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Aber, ich habe einige teile für 90 Racer, so wenn du etwas brauchst, bitte mir ein PM senden.





Ich habe einige 90 Racer teile das ich nicht brauche.

Oder mehr richtig, ich brauche ein 200 motor und ein Scorpion puff mehr...

Das rest in english, wann mein deutsch sehr schlecht ist......

1 x headset complete incl speedo 120 km and all small parts.

2 x original banana exhaust.

1 x complete original 90 Racer gearing.

1 x 90 Racer frame without frame number. Right panel will be cut away, so you need to weld on another one. Also floor need some work. A genuine 90 Racer frame, even if the frame number is not available...

1 x complete fork incl hub, tyre, mudguard.

1 x fuel tank

1 x seat with bad cover.

1 x side panel door

5 x flywheel cover (unsure if for 90)

1 x front badge

2 x flywheel

Also have some carbs, inlets, stator plates (also for other models), back plates etc etc. See pictures for more info.

All above mentioned parts are original parts from a 1973 (I seem to remember) model.

All items located in Norway.

Please remember postage from Norway to Germany is expensive, so best is to do a week end trip up north to see our country, and then bring with you the parts on your way home :-D

And what I need is a PX 200 12hp engine, preferably a newer one with cosa clutch and the new gearbox. Preferably with Pinasco cylinder and 60mm crank mounted. And, I am also looking for a Scorpion exhaust to go with it.

Please let me know what you have, and then we decide which way the parts/extra money goes !!!



Bearbeitet von Stein
1 x 90 Racer frame without frame number. Right panel is cut away, so you need to weld on another one. Also floor need some work. A genuine 90 Racer frame, even if the frame number is no longer there...

No chance to get the original sidepanel? I`m desperately looking for a frame.

Gruß aus Kiel


No chance to get the original sidepanel? I`m desperately looking for a frame.

Gruß aus Kiel


The sidepanel (and then also the numbers) is with a friend of mine. I am trying to get hold on another panel that he can use instead, but I have had no luck till now. Norwegian Primavera, 90 or other larger capasity smallframe frames are not found everywhere, unfortunately....

I will check further and let you know, if noone else needs the frame without the sidepanel.



The sidepanel (and then also the numbers) is with a friend of mine. I am trying to get hold on another panel that he can use instead, but I have had no luck till now. Norwegian Primavera, 90 or other larger capasity smallframe frames are not found everywhere, unfortunately....

I will check further and let you know, if noone else needs the frame without the sidepanel.



You need a norwegian framenumber or is a german one enough?Where exactly do you live, as I`m maybe in Finnland/Schweden (to pick up a Vespa 90 :-D a friend has bought) in February.

Gruß aus Kiel


You need a norwegian framenumber or is a german one enough?Where exactly do you live, as I`m maybe in Finnland/Schweden (to pick up a Vespa 90 :-D a friend has bought) in February.

Gruß aus Kiel


Matze: PM is on its way to you!



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