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ESC Training - Challenge Scootentole - 18-19-20 April 2008

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

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Was für Rundenzeiten werden denn da gefahren? Also jetzt nicht die schnellen ? mehr so die normalen Zeiten. Ich muß mal meinen Spritvorrat ausrechnen :-D


friday is a normal practise day, right? is it ok if i also bring a zip along for some testrides?

Yes it is ok

wir bringen auch noch eine SKR mit - lt KTy´s Aussage kann man Fr. + So damit fahren.

yeah, what about internet, too? :-D

i'm just asking because i'm bringing the transponders along, charging them on the friday wouldn't be a bad idea. if there isn't a chance to access electricity i will have to bring a generator (which is heavy as fuck, hence i'm not all to eager to heave it into the "car").


Ich hätte gerne Strom für meine Kaffeemaschine. :-D

@ Kty ? there will be another Driver for C1 too ? i registrated him as a visitor, but he is going to registrate tomorrow evening as a driver, ok?

Puuh, ist das halbwegs verständlich?



Ich komme morgen mit Menzo und Klaus. Klaus ist bisher noch nicht angemeldet, er meldet sich dann morgen aufm Track an.

Ick froi mich!



Jawoll, super Sache! Das Wetter hab mich anfänglich schwer demotiviert, später nachmittags war's aber deutlich besser. Viele Defizite gefunden - jetzt muß was passieren :-D

Danke war wirklich richtig cool. Selten konnte man so viel fahren. Über das Abendessen für 18 Euro....... naja

Gibbet schon Fotos ?

was 15e ! i think it was fair...

thanks all for coming :-D photos and results to come!


jep, hat echt fun gemacht.

8 euro für ein paar bratwürste und pommes.. naja.. die orangina war gut :-D

weiß jemand wo man die bilder von den veranstaltern findet?


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Some other here: http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php...&highlight=

Some more to come in these threads....

One again, thank you guys for coming, we really had a great fun despite the weather was changing a lot... BUt in the end we had all track conditions !

I hope you enjoyed the loooooooooong track time, we will do the same next year ;)

I will write here the final results and scan some of the time sheets. A priori, best time for the crazy green italian in C3 (SmallFrame) with 1:14.xx !!

Finally, we could deliver soooooooooo many great prices thanks to our sponsors (for those who know what :-D, please get in touch with me)


Seventies Scooter Pièces

La fabrique - BP 27

26330 Chateauneuf de Galaure, France




ScootStation Nice

33 bld auguste raynaud

06100 Nice, France

04 93 41 49 01




Graf Zeppelin Str. 9

D-86899 Landsberg, Allemagne

Tel : +49 (0) 8191 96999-40

Fax : +49 (0) 8191 96999-70


RS Performances



Casalambretta France

Le Puech

30480 CENDRAS, France

Tel/fax : 04 66 55 61 25



Vintages Scooter Service

9 bis rue Henri Brisson

13831 Chateaurenard, France

Tél 1 : 04 32 60 16 33

Tél 2 : 04 88 61 31 69

Fax : 04 90 92 13 07



Scooter Center

Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1

50129 Bergheim, Allemagne

Tel: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 30

Fax: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 74

Mail: e-shop@scooter-center.com


Lambretta Teile Heilbronn

Senefelderstr. 19

73760 Ostfildern, Allemagne

Tel: +49 (0) 177 / 555 1 333

Fax: +49 (0) 1212 / 525 826 475




52, Boulevard Vauban

13006 Marseille, France

+33 4 91 04 01 51



Quattrini Racing



2 Stroke Performance Parts

Inhaber Oliver Hellwig

Am Tarpenufer 51

22848 Norderstedt, Allemagne

Tel: 0049/(0)40/ 69703742

Fax: 0049/(0)40/ 69703771

E-Mail info@grand-sport.de


Burzock Développement

Services Informatique

132 avenue parmentier

75011 Paris

+33 (0)6 62 41 91 54


Micky Norton's

14 rue René Char

Zac Chateaufarine


03 81 47 95 45



Bearbeitet von KTy

Here some response according to the race weekend?

Track was absolutely perfect! :wheeeha:

Drivers and people around were perfect!

Breakfast was ok.

Weather was not so good but nobody?s fault. :wheeeha:

Great expensive prices for the winners!!!!!!!! :-D

But here some suggestions for improvement next time?

Night entertainment would be great (music, dancing, Bar,?) --> Nighter!!!! :wheeeha:

Buffet could have some more variety (starter, main dish --> warm) not only salad with cold sausages

and information that drinks are NOT included in the buffet!

And it was very disappointing when we arrived at 17.30 and we couldn´t get on the track because it was closed for registration. The night/dusk was at least 1,5 hours away! So our hurry was for nothing!!

Anyway many thanks for organisation and your efforts.I will come again next time. :-D:wheeeha:

I will write here the final results and scan some of the time sheets. A priori, best time for the crazy green italian in C3 (SmallFrame) with 1:14.xx !!

You cannot win a race in first corner, but you can loose it. :-D

Here some response according to the race weekend?

Track was absolutely perfect! :wheeeha:

Drivers and people around were perfect!

Breakfast was ok.

Weather was not so good but nobody?s fault. :wheeeha:

Great expensive prices for the winners!!!!!!!! :-D

But here some suggestions for improvement next time?

Night entertainment would be great (music, dancing, Bar,?) --> Nighter!!!! :wheeeha:

Buffet could have some more variety (starter, main dish --> warm) not only salad with cold sausages

and information that drinks are NOT included in the buffet!

And it was very disappointing when we arrived at 17.30 and we couldn´t get on the track because it was closed for registration. The night/dusk was at least 1,5 hours away! So our hurry was for nothing!!

Anyway many thanks for organisation and your efforts.I will come again next time. :-D:wheeeha:

Thanks for the comments, but let me answer to some of them :wheeeha:

* This was a first step, we were basically 2 peoples organizing this event, we decided NOT to have a "proper party", just at the bar with some ambiance music... It was a race day, not a run AND race ! BUt we will try to improve this for sure !!

* ONE drink was included with the Buffet, I do not understand why it was not given to you when you were given the plate... SOrry for that ! :-D As for the food, just as a comment, everything was provided by the track owner, we did not gain a single euro on this... They were some left over so quantities were not an issue, right ?

* On friday, track was OPEN until 20h30 or so. Did they tell you at the bar that it was closed for registration ? If so, once again, I am sorry for that, I was not aware of this. You should have come to me... :wheeeha: I hope you took advantage of the late afternoon open track with the nice weather on Saturday ?!

We will remember these points, improve and/or better communicate on these ! :-D


KTy, I also had a lot of fun and I m really proud of you two guys who realized this event nearly alone...even you re so little French... :-D

So next time you already know what do do, maybe you gonna get some help and there will be a Party..."La Boom" like you say in France???

(I always wanted to try the trick with the Popcorn and the dig in the Cinema like in La Boom...)

So, dont worry about cold or warm sausagees for lunch...I was happy...(also with my new Quattrini...)

Indeed, Marco won :-D

i don't know how to put that, but i don't think i was the only one who considered you, kty, and falco both a handsome and passionate couple. it's probably early days to talk about the future, but i'm quite sure yours is a match made in heaven. thumps up for this francogermanic tete-a-tete.


Could someone save me the article in the french newspaper and bring it to Run and Race? There's a picture of me working on my scooter (once again) in it....!!!


Some Feedback on the event:

Registration was perfect, some info about the food would have been great BEFORE paying for it :-D

Track was awesome, but you shouldn't change the rules for winning the race during the race. The guy with the glasses (the one who did the winning ceremony) told me, the best 2 out of the 3 races would be counted, but at the end of the day all 3 races were counted.

Food was ok, but prices were a little high in german relations.

All in all a very very good event, respecting that it was organized only by two people...

M A X I M U M R E S P E C T :-D

Here are my photos: Scootentole

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    • Die letzten 4 Motoren waren mit Papierdichtungen problemlos dicht und haben Druck/Unterdruck Tests bestanden. 3x PX, meiner, 2 für Kumpel Einen davon (Cosa) hab ich machen müssen, weil er nicht richtig lief, abgeklemmt hatte und Getriebeöl verbrannt hatte. Da war die Dichtung verrutscht. Auf Nachfrage und Nachschauen war die Dichtung auf der großen Hälfte aufgelegt und deutlich zuviel Dichtmasse verwendet, was die Rutscherei noch begünstigt haben könnte.   Die Motoren, die dicht waren, sind allesamt mit Wurfbedüsung mit 2-3x kicken in stabiles Standgas gestartet und laufen alle top. Gut, der Cosa Motor erst, nachdem der Vogel die im Spritschlauch vergessene M6 Gewindestange (damit nix rausläuft) rausgenommen hatte (hat er beim Anschluss an den Vergaser einfach weiter eingedrückt) und der letzte PX Motor, nachdem derselbe Vogel den "100% sauber, der Vergaser, hatte ich im Ultraschall" nochmal zu mir zum reinigen gegeben hat. Was hast Du mich schon Nerven gekostet, lieber Micha   Kein Vid2Come, nonaned.   Aber wichtig: So ne Druckprüfung vorab macht den totalen Sinn. Bei mir kein Motor mehr ohne.  
    • @Chris58 ich hab das mal zusammen geführt. Überschrift kannst du selbst ändern indem du den ersten Post editierst
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