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I want to present you my new motor composed by:

-130 polini double admission

-Mazzuchelli crank 53 mm

-PHBL 24

-DRT cluth with 4 disc surflex modificated, "Kupplungsabdeckscheibe" and "innerer Kupplungskorb"

-Schaltkreuz/Schaltklaue DRT


-Pk flyweel 1,6 kg (6 poles ignition et3 compatible)

i'm waiting for the crank from denis because there is a delay on the delivery!

Let's take this photos for the moment......i accept any kind of question!

i update as soon as possible!


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Nice, kinda oldschool though...what did you do with your flywheel, have your rivets fallen out or how come there are screws in it?

Did you alter the position of the "hub" for iginition timing or what's the point of that? I've thought of that once for using a original PK XL II HP4 flywheel on a PX-did you intend that, too?

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Nice, kinda oldschool though...what did you do with your flywheel, have your rivets fallen out or how come there are screws in it?

Did you alter the position of the "hub" for iginition timing or what's the point of that? I've thought of that once for using a original PK XL II HP4 flywheel on a PX-did you intend that, too?

Yes i have rivets the flywheel because i cange the big cone with the small (19)

if you look good yuo see that i take a reference and i put the cone in the same position like the old one.

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Why do you use a longer durationtime for the Boostport than for the other Transferports?

No no... the boost port and the transfert duration will be the same....

at the moment it is different but i will modificate the transfert port from 120 grades to 130 grades like


Ciao Romeo

ancora non conosco le fasi di aspirazione della valvola e al cilindro.... perchè non ho ancora ricevuto

il pacco da DRT.

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