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help with worb5?

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Can somebody please let me know who I can contact to try and get some help with a problem im having with someone at worb5??

Im editing my original post cos it was a bit full on.

I dont like businesses trying to take liberties with people.

Bearbeitet von raff32

Think about how you represent yourself and the australian dudes by talking that way on a public board.

If you experience problems with Worb5 complain there/ask for the boss, not here.


Think about how you represent yourself and the australian dudes by talking that way on a public board.

If you experience problems with Worb5 complain there/ask for the boss, not here.


Sorry mate, I am just really pissed off with this guy.

I dont like being lied to.

He claims that 8 euros is their price for sending 500 grams worldwide yet he did not even know that it is possible to send items in an envelope.

I'll edit my original post to make it less aggressive

My main question is to ask whether people know if this guy is the boss or not


no, he isn´t. Have a look at the impressum :-D

worb5 scooterparts

Andreas Wrobel

Cusanusstrasse 9 - 11

56068 Koblenz Innenstadt

Deutschland - Germany

Telefon: 0049 - (0) 261 - 9639782 =>Mo bis Fr von 11 - 13 und 15 - 18 Uhr

Fax: 0049 - (0) 261 - 9637834



I wasnt sure whether andreas just owned the business and didnt really work there much.

The main reason I was so angry is because I have dealt with them b4 and they have always been pretty cool, it just seemed like this guy was doing his best to give me a hard time. Like I said I really dont like being lied to.


In germany we have a a common saying: "If Jackie can not help, ask Jack."

And now get a beer, calm down and have a call with Andi in the next year. :-D

In germany we have a a common saying: "If Jackie can not help, ask Jack."

And now get a beer, calm down and have a call with Andi in the next year. :-D

Was das fürn Spruch ? Kenn ich nicht.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
...und in Bayern:

Geh´ glei zum Schmied - und ned erscht zum Schmittchen!

:-D bobcat

"Geh´ glei zum Schmied - und ned erst zum Schmiedl!" sagen wir kärntner (österreich)

Bearbeitet von Motorhead

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