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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


I plan to come in germany for the Run and Race in May and I also would like to spend several days in your nice country... :-D

Can you give me some websites where I can find houses or rooms to rent for several days or one week ?

In france we have this kind of web site for that purpose :



Otherwise I'm also interested to know some nice places to visit in the south ...

Danke. :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


La procaine agence de voyages dans au village peut t'aider!!!! (???) :-D

May be the next travel agency coul help you!!!! they help you to find a nice house, appartement oder hotel!!

Very nice places to see are Heidelberg, up the river rhin in the north of Karlsruhe/Lidolsheim for example Speyer and Worms...

Regards, ISA :-D

Bearbeitet von Isa
thanks isa but what is the "next travel agency" ? :-D

so to say the nearest travel agency in your home town. In my town we have about 24 travel agencies. what is your home town?!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

is it the only way to find a country lodge (->Landhaus ?) in germany ? :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio

hi there,

how good is your german?

even though i never booked over one of them, there are plenty of pages offering searchengines for acommodation but most of them are in german..

try searching for keywords like

pensionen bayern

pensionen süddeutschland



maybe some online translation can help you out with some more keywords.

good luck,


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