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My Pv jumps out of the neutrual and going from first to 2'gear is non-existing. it just goes in third, unless you are carefull with the gearshifter and shift gear slowly.

Allso when the scoot is turned off the gearshifter is too sensitive and jumps in 2'gear by just looking at the gearchanger.

The gearcabels are not overtight and i have tryed to loosen them.

The spring that holds the two balls in place in the gear-cross are brand new and the cross itself looks very good. - i even changed the gearcross to a new one.

And last.

The engine drips oil from the gearshifter under the engine.

Is there a way to seal that? an O-ring i have missed?

- I can read german, so just reply in german.



My Pv jumps out of the neutrual and going from first to 2'gear is non-existing. it just goes in third, unless you are carefull with the gearshifter and shift gear slowly.

Allso when the scoot is turned off the gearshifter is too sensitive and jumps in 2'gear by just looking at the gearchanger.

The gearcabels are not overtight and i have tryed to loosen them.

The spring that holds the two balls in place in the gear-cross are brand new and the cross itself looks very good. - i even changed the gearcross to a new one.

And last.

The engine drips oil from the gearshifter under the engine.

Is there a way to seal that? an O-ring i have missed?

- I can read german, so just reply in german.


Are you sure you put the gearwheels the right way? You can check by mounting the gear wheels one after another and crosschecking if the "gear cross" fully engages the inner gearwheel flange cutouts on each gear. Also check if the total axial play of the gearwheel package on the main driveshaft is not less than 0.15mm to 0.40mm max.

And, indeed there is a o-ring on the gear input shaft - lucky you, to change it you have to disassemble the engine again, so you can recheck your gear package.

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