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Empfohlene Beiträge


The pair appeared onstage with Lily Allen to perform Gangsters, and later on a different stage, with Damon Albarn on piano and a beatboxer, performing A Message To You, Rudy. :-D

  • 1 Monat später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Ob das dann auch Konzerte in Deutschland nach sich zieht?

Glaub ich kaum, gab ja damals schon kaum welche. Terry Hall mäkelte mal

auf einen Fun Boy 3 Konzert in Köln ca. 83 auf die "Specials"-Rufe aus dem Publikum:

"What strong memories the germans have." Vermutlich ist sein Kontostand mittlerweile

so, dass er sich auch wieder erinnert. :-D

Bearbeitet von Rude Man

Wenn die sich schon wieder zusammen finden, dann wird die Kuh auch gemolken, bis sie tot umfällt. Dessen darf man sich gewiss sein. Also wird es auch Konzerte in D geben ...



Diese artikle ist ungefahr ein monat spater aus gekom (link unten)

Specials reunion 'dammed'

Founding member not optimistic about reunion tour

25 Apr 2008 - We brought you news of The Specials reunion last month, well now founding member Jerry Dammers has said he isn't too keen on the whole idea.

Despite the positive reaction to a reunion from band mates Terry Hall and Neville Staples, on a tour in September/ October, Jerry is a little less optimistic:

"We've had one attempt at a trial rehearsal, which at no point was all seven people in the room at the same time.

It's very early days you know we're talking but there's nothing definite at the moment at all."

Music comes first

Jerry admits if the band can still deliver musically it might work, but that remains to be seen:

"The music comes first to me. As soon as you lose sight of that, you lose sight of everything.

People who put the money before music you are on a high road to nothing, a mad dash for cash I am not into at all.

We will have to see if the music can come together properly."

"There are a lot of people who think it would be a bad idea" - Jerry Dammers

Live up to expectations of fans

Jerry wasn't even moved when we told him about the massive positive reaction we had from 6 Music listeners when we announced a reunion tour was planned for later this year:

"There are some people who would love to see The Specials and there are a lot of people who think it would be a bad idea.

You can't tell from those kind of polls."

The keyboard player and founding member of the legendary ska outfit seemed worried about meeting the fans expectations:

"There are still people out there who would love to see the original Specials.

They have an idea in their heads about what the original Specials are.

If we can live up to that, then we should do it, if we can't, we shouldn?t."

Work to do

The band have had a chance to rehearse together once, Jerry told us the session had its moments, but he remains sceptical:

"Some elements were good, and some elements weren't so good.

There is a helluva lot of work to do. If people are willing to do the work then we can move forward, if they are not willing to do the work then we can't.

So I don't know."

Ruth Barnes

specials on the bbc news


wharscheinlich ist jerry dammers der einzige von den mackern, der sich um kohle keine sorgen machen muss. wenn der nicht mitzieht, ziehen die das halt ohne den durch - die wären ja schön blöd sich den schmuck durch die lappen gehen zu lassen. wie skawoogie schreibt - die kuh wird so lange gemolken bis sie tot umfällt.

  • 4 Wochen später...

Muss wohl was dran sein.

Letzten Herbst/Winter? November/Dezember? Irgend sowas halt, weiss nicht mehr so genau, war jedenfalls kalt,

Hätten die Specialisten in Stuttgart spielen sollen. Konzert ist leider ausgefallen, aber es hiess es werde einen neuen Termin geben.

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