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we are italian boys that have a smallframe vespa whit a rotax 123 cylinder!

i think that you are able to understand english because we don't speack german!.....so maybe english to :-D

we want to know if is possible for my vespa become approved for run usually in the city!

a friend say to me that in germany it is possible! it is correct?

thanks.....and if is possible reply in english :-D



With any modifications, for example mudguards, lights, airfilterbox, covered flywheel, a quiet exhaust

and a nicely "TÜV-Prüfer" it will be possible. Without any modifications you have no chance for legalisation.



yes! i know!

but are all simple staff!

mudguards, air filter and others are possible to add to this vespa! and i think that become more beautiful!

this vespa are not finished at the moment......i have to install more parts to become like a daily scooter! but without legalisation i'm not able to go trougth the city!

i do a difficult question........there are some one that can help me to legalize this vespa?? or is anyway possible??

thanks...and sorry for my terrible english!....but is better than my german! :-D



to legalize the scooter for germany,i don´t think that it is necessary to live in germany,but you need a nice dealer with a good tüv prüfer!!!!

and when you got german papers,i think you can import it to italy and get your italian license plate!!!!!

so we did with a few italian harleys,but i´m not sure if it is 100% legal!!!

bye jochen

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