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Anyone knows the difference between the Koso 28 and the Koso 30 origine Needle.

One is a 78-A for the 28

The other is a N68 - A... (Koso30)

I only found "N68" models for my setup, maybe it isn't the good ones...


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I wouldn't give too much on what needles are originally in the carburettors.

Perhaps you could buy or lend some leaner and richer Koso /Keihin / Bgm needles and just try what will work the best on your setup.

As far as I know there aren't needles that only fit on the 28 or only on the 30.

Bon courage!



Anyone knows the difference between the Koso 28 and the Koso 30 origine Needle.

One is a 78-A for the 28

The other is a N68 - A... (Koso30)

I only found "N68" models for my setup, maybe it isn't the good ones...


Bearbeitet von tobuid

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