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Hey all...just found out some really depressing news...one of the largest parts collections in northern europe was sold as scrap 3 weeks ago...the technical guy from the LCNL...decided to sell a 30 odd year collection of lambretta spares to the iron recycler...and on top of it he will not make any effort to tell anyone in holland where or who to so we may try and save some of it...several series 1 tv175 moters(7)...and several 200cc cases and cylinders...not to mention parts from A-models to Sil Gp's....

l8r, bart


Morning Schmiddy, online at this time?! Are you at work?

@netherland lambrettas: Does this mean, that the price of my new GP200

will explode like our Rocket Ariane!

:-D !

But storys like that are very sad... :-(


Yes - Mr.Lambretta - i´m online now, and i´m at home. And you now that i work at the Feuerwehr - we have no Computers on the Fire Department, only in the Leitstelle :grins: :grins: :grins:

Tja, so liest sich das mit meinem abgebrochenem Fachabitur Englisch - geht aber besser als ich gedacht hätte.... DANKE MTV - DANKE!

go better into the Clubtopic.....



@allmods: looks like the dude has some malevolent intentions? i think he's in for a little bust up on the next dutch rally! can't believe it, still faltering.



arne....i already intend to bust him up at the x-mass party for the LCNL...he did this whole act out of spite because all of the old geezers in the LCNL bickered over whos wife has the fattest ass on a series 1...or something like that....and it happened a good 20-30 years ago....total children.


@allmods: i'd greatly appreciate pictures of the instant when your nuckles hit his nose. maybe even record the sound as the bone cracks? hahahaaa!

roll in some extra punches for me and the rest of the boys here.


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