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Ape 50

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Good afternoon Gentlemen, I'm not sure if this is the right section, I have looked but this seems to be the best option.

I will be taking delivary of my first Ape tomorrow afternoon and will be looking to you for help.

This is her.


I don't plan to do much with her to start with, a Polini 75 and basic Polini exhaust, but I hope next year I may be able to afford a Quattrini M1 and other such parts for her.

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. :-D

Sorry, I forgot to ask about the clutches. I noted on a machine I saw before it uses the PKXL 3 stud manifold, does this mean they use the XL1 single spring clutch or the XL2 multi spring? It's a 2004 model if that makes any difference.


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Thanks for that.

To be honest I'm using the Polini 75 because I have one sitting in the garage and don't want to mess about with gearing at this point. As I've said it's only maybe a stop-gap for a year or less.

Hopefully then I can pour some proper funds into it.

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