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I'm restoring a vespa vgla1 and my rear dampner is still in reasonable condition. I want to replace the rubber attachment block but can't seem to get it off..if i try to twist it of the dampner the main operating rod which sticks out of the dampner turns with it..is the block attachted by means of a screw thread? or does it just fit on the rod and is easily taken off (except when heavily rusted like mine?)..



It is attached by a screw threat as you wrote. The problem is that it is such a bitch to get it off once it is rusty. I just soaked it in WD 40 and let it work over night. After that it came off easiely. When the main rod turns i used to hold it with a set of pliers even when the rod got a little bit scrached.

I hope you can understand me pidgin. :-D

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