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I'm going to build a malossi 136 engine in a set of v50s cases. I have a PKXL2 engien that i'm going to take all the good parts from, Clutch, gearbox, rear hub etc.

But, wich gear selector arm do i need to buy to make the PK gearbox work right? PK or v50? anyone know the difference between those two? I'm not talkin about the XL2 selector, i know that one is completly useless.


As your only choice seems to be to use the V50 selector, this should be the best choice, since the PK XL 2 selector arm (as you mentioned correctly) is no good for the old type casings.

As to my humble knowledge, the V50 selector arm should work fine with the PK XL 2 gears.

The only difference between PK and V50 gearboxes is that the "gear selector fork" of the V 50 is a bit more "edgy" where it internally grabs the gear wheels. The outer round form (where the gear selector arm grabs the "gear selector fork" with the two small rectangular pieces) should be the same.

I don´t know for sure if the "internal difference" between the two types should make a difference, but I´d try it before buying new components.

As your only choice seems to be to use  the V50 selector, this should be the best choice, since the PK XL 2 selector arm (as you mentioned correctly) is no good for the old type casings.

As to my humble knowledge, the V50 selector arm should work fine with the PK XL 2 gears.

The only difference between PK and V50 gearboxes is that the "gear selector fork" of the V 50 is a bit more "edgy" where it internally grabs the gear wheels. The outer round  form (where the gear selector arm grabs the "gear selector fork" with the two small rectangular pieces) should be the same.

I don´t know for sure if the "internal difference" between the two types should make a difference, but I´d try it before buying new components.

thanks for replying

so you are saying i have to use the v50 selector arm, and v50 "cruciform", or v50 arm and PK "cruciform" (the part thet grabs the gears) i have to buy a new arm and gear-cross anyway.


My English is not too good when it comes to technical terms, but since you´re going to buy new parts anyway, you should go for PK items (gear selector arm and the part you named "cruciform", which is a term usually used only for the P-range engines due to its typical form, but having the same function on smallframes, i. e. selecting the gears).

I guess all smallframe gearboxes are interchangeable, except for the PK XL 2 gear selector arm mentioned before, which itself isn´t part of the gearbox anyway and of course the early V50 3speed gearboxes.

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    • Danke für die Antworten und Hilfen ich melde mich nochmal wenn’s nicht funktioniert. Grüße 
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