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Wer zufällig in Stoke ist am nächsten Wochenende kann sich hier als Komparse/Tänzer eintragen:

http://www.ipsofactofilms.com/souledout/ coole Sache wäre ich gerne dabei.

Shooting on Stoke-on-Trent-based Northern Soul feature film 'Souled Out' starts this week and we are looking for volunteer extras to take part this SATURDAY (23rd ? all day) when we will shoot a large dance scene which will recreate the vibe of the 70s at Wigan Casino (see

). If you are interested, available, and can get to the centre of Stoke (we are shooting in the Kings Hall) on Sat and want the experience of being on an exciting film set, then input your details on this page: http://www.ipsofactofilms.com/souledout and we'll call you back ASAP.

Alle Infos zum Film: Unter http://www.ipsofactofilms.com/films/souled_out.html

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