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I was wondering how to get the spring of the rear dampner..Im still busy trying to get the rusted rubber block on top of the spring of the rod but I wonder what happens when it's off and i loosen the upper nut; the upper part of the dampner simply slides off because of the pressure the compressed spring gives..Is it possoble to take the upper part of the dampner off without ruining the dampner? I mean , does the oil and everything inside the dampner simply stays in position while taking the upper part off..I want to clean the entire thing on the outside and possibly replace the spring..I see no other way to take the spring off but is it safe to do it this way?



yes, as far as i know, everything inside keeps intact. we have done this several times already and nothing happened to the damper at all. but anyway, you probably should follow up your idea of the spring replacement. get a harder one for a better ride.

have a nice day and a safe ride in this year.

best regards


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