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Lambretta Club Netherlands & Amsterdam Vespa club together with many other clubs are organising the 4th Dutch Custom show on the Saturday afternoon - smaller scale than some of the big UK shows but great fun and LOADS of prizes, Big scooter party on the Saturday night, Ride out in and around Amsterdam on the Sunday.

More info: johnvantuyll@hotmail.com - +31 6 21857014 or Edo on ewjschubert@yahoo.com - +31 6 12177306



Lambretta Club Netherlands & Amsterdam Vespa club together with many other clubs are organising the 4th Dutch Custom show on the Saturday afternoon - smaller scale than some of the big UK shows but great fun and LOADS of prizes, Big scooter party on the Saturday night, Ride out in and around Amsterdam on the Sunday.

More info: johnvantuyll@hotmail.com - +31 6 21857014 or Edo on ewjschubert@yahoo.com - +31 6 12177306


After 4 years living in Germany I'm looking forward to travel to Amsterdam and see, once again, some of the fine dutch scooters and scooterists.


  • 2 Wochen später...

sounds good to me.

is there a hotel nearby,as i want to come with the mrs,and me son and 2 scooters.

also,is it easy to go there by car?i didnt have any expierience goin to amsterdam.

normaly we leave the car in the ajax stadium and goin the rest by train.



hey you

Nice to see you & even nicer that you're bringing scooters! Hotels really depend on your budget.

Cheap places

*Cheapest and right in between the party & the custom show in walking distance is the stayok.com - Stay Ok zeeburg They still have rooms but be quick as they sell out quickly.

*other bargain place is Camping Zeeburg which is 500 meters from the show (and the tram) and a general top tip for free parking. They have very affordable but basic cabins for rent if you dont fancy staying in a tent. Again be quick as the cabins go quickly.

*Some more low budget hostel type places

3 star & more

For those wanting more luxury I would recommend checking out hotels.de - it's very good but only for 3 star hotels and better (also works in english). The vicinity search function is very good as it will show you places to stay near the do & show. Use "muiderpoort" for the railway station.

For 2 star type places i think hotel.nl is quite good. Some people ask for secured parking - not really an issue for classic scooters really - they never get stolen like the automatics. Will have a think about this.

For a complete overview of all different types of accomodation you can also check here

hope that helps!

  • 2 Wochen später...


wenn Du es hinkriegst, mich kurz vor dem Termin daran zu erinnern, kriege ich es hin, Dir endlich mal die CD mit den Fotos, die Rene von Deinem Cut gemacht hat, zukommen zu lassen.

  • 4 Wochen später...


Many people are asking about the Friday night so we now have a location - no big party but should have a fair few coming for a few informal drinks. As usual its in the red light district - bar is highly recommended by Edo:

de Zeevaart

Oudezijds Achterburgwal 28


See you there!

PS - still very keen to have more scooters coming so please bring a scooter if you can. Scooters can be bought into the hall until 10.30 am (please no later than 11am latest).

See you guys soon


Schniedel - shame you cant make it!


hey - no worries. we'll try and have fun without you.:-D

I understand all your german except BS? What is that? (assume you dont mean american BS - bullshit).




john,i am a little disapointed!

how can you compare bullshit to the custom show?

anyway,would have loved to be there.

so,have fun and all the best!



Bringing at least one lammy,maybe the mrs lammy as well if i can get em both in,looking forward to it see you in de Zeevaart tomorrow night.Got booked in to the nh tropen hotel seems quite central for the weekend,cheers Darren.


did anyone made some piccis?

hate to ask this question...


Im topic unter kalender im dutchscooterforum.nl hat einer einen Link zu seinen Fotos eingestellt.


Fotos via Amsterdam Vespa Club

hat leider gar kein Kamera mit.. und auch nicht echt gut geguckt beim Show.. Nighter war gut, vielen dank an Robert und Martien for the many. many laughs!

@ martien: well done on beating the pkxl2 with picnic trailer! :-D

Fotos via Amsterdam Vespa Club

hat leider gar kein Kamera mit.. und auch nicht echt gut geguckt beim Show.. Nighter war gut, vielen dank an Robert und Martien for the many. many laughs!

@ martien: well done on beating the pkxl2 with picnic trailer! :-D

Hast wirklich nicht geguckt, sonst wäre Dir nämlich aufgefallen, dass es eine XL 1 war - ein sehr, sehr schönes Fahrzeug also, das auf die Plätze zu verweisen dementsprechend nicht ganz leicht war.

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