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Challenge Scootentole - Mirecourt 2009 - 21st-24th May

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Veröffentlichte Bilder

Ich geh ausm Haus bevor der Doc aufmacht und komm nach Hause, nachdem der Doc schon längst zugesperrt hat. Schaise.

We didn't need this certificate last year...why this year?


bei mir hat gerade ein Anruf gereicht - morgen hol ich es ab. Sollte eingendlich bei jedem Hausarzt möglich sein

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
And regarding Class 2b: I'd like to race with my Einheitsklasse Racer in Class 2b, but i have a HP4 flywheel mounted. Am i allowed to ride in 2b or do i have to shift to class 3 with all the Quattrinis in it?

If so, would it be possible to change your reglement according to fit ESC Einheitsklasse Scooters (plastic flywheel allowed, but no dynamic ignition)?

indeed here it is the final rank in C3 of last year,

1st : Marco with a polini :-D

2nd : Momo with his "Einheitsklasse Racer" :-D

3rd : Prodigy with a piaggio cylinder.... :-D

4 : Ironmish (fabrizzi)

5 : ludy1980 polini ?

Bearbeitet von Luccio

I just went to a doctor this morning, discussed 5 mins, he took my pressure and finally delivered me my "ärztliches Attest" :-D

Doable !

Nice weather forecasted so far ! :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

just to tell you that Sticky from Uk will be there....he won the C3 race of our event in Joigny last year ... :-D

with an old polini engine :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

our sponsor MAXISCOOT will arrive friday morning on spot ....... with the dyno :-D


the acces will be totally free by showing your control strap

- for the pilots on friday and saturday

- for the visitors only on saturday

Bearbeitet von Luccio


also ich bzw. wir sind dieses jahr auch wieder mit am start.

ehm, eine frage aber: wird dieses ärztliche attest nun wirklich zwingend benötigt oder gehts auch

ohne so wie letztes jahr?

hauptsache aber, es regnet nicht so wie letztes jahr... :-D

also denne, bis spätestens in fünf bis sieben tage...



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

also ich bzw. wir sind dieses jahr auch wieder mit am start.

ehm, eine frage aber: wird dieses ärztliche attest nun wirklich zwingend benötigt oder gehts auch

ohne so wie letztes jahr?

hauptsache aber, es regnet nicht so wie letztes jahr... :-D

also denne, bis spätestens in fünf bis sieben tage...



@Dave, you HAVE to get this "ärztliche attest" !!! This year it is different, it is a legal issue (insurance). It should take 10 mins to get one, please do it if you want to ride in C2, C3 or C4 class (not needed for C1).

Sorry for that, but once again, it is a LEGAL issue.

As for the weather, right now it is supposed to be very nice; keep fingers crossed !!

EXTENDED registration deadline; You can send via email your form before May 20th !! Once you sent the registration form, you can pay via Bank transfer, Paypal or on the spot.

If you REGISTER on the spot it will be a bit more expensive (13/55/65€ instead of 10/45/55€).

Bearbeitet von KTy


Ich bin nu auch dabei ! :-D Gibt es auch noch ne Faxnummer für die Anmeldung, oder kann ich das Formular ohne Unterschrift mailen ?

Ansonsten habe ich auch noch Platz für MitfahrerInn und Maschine. HIER KLICKEN!

Danke und Gruß

Grete :-D


yes you can send the form without your signature and then sign it on spot

but please pay the registration fees by Paypal or transfert before....

Ansonsten habe ich auch noch Platz für MitfahrerInn und Maschine. HIER KLICKEN!

Supa ! :-D

Precision: Pay before if you can, if you have sent the form to us before, you can pay on the spot the reduced registration fees... :-D

Supa ! :-D

Precision: Pay before if you can, if you have sent the form to us before, you can pay on the spot the reduced registration fees... :-D

SEND! I will pay at the track, becaus mybank is to slow...... :-D




we also want to come but only for practicing and testing.

so, if i understand everthing right we can ride on friday or sunday without the "doctor check" but without timing and in change every 15 min with super motards and karts. have some "friends" with plastic scoots. can they also ride on friday or sunday?


we also want to come but only for practicing and testing.

so, if i understand everthing right we can ride on friday or sunday without the "doctor check" but without timing and in change every 15 min with super motards and karts. have some "friends" with plastic scoots. can they also ride on friday or sunday?


yes you are right , and if you ride a classic scooter you can also ride the saturday in C1 class without the medical certificate.... :-D

otherwise for the plastic scoots it is not realy plastic meeting.... :-D


i have some problems to get this medical certificate from my doc. he isn't able to write this sheet of paper in time.. (and today,

in germany is holiday, the doc has not open..)

but i have a solution: i get this medical certificate on friday and than, my girlfried could send it via fax directly to the track...

what do you think, this seems to be possible, or? i only need a fax-number... can someone help?



i have some problems to get this medical certificate from my doc. he isn't able to write this sheet of paper in time.. (and today,

in germany is holiday, the doc has not open..)

but i have a solution: i get this medical certificate on friday and than, my girlfried could send it via fax directly to the track...

what do you think, this seems to be possible, or? i only need a fax-number... can someone help?



I send my meddoc per email. Didn't seem to be a problem.

We are leaving in a few minutes. Miracourt here we come!



Back again, here my short report of the last 4 days:

Rainy weather while getting closer to the track, like last year driving together with Daniel (einwesen). This time with a luxury mobilehome (thanks to his parents). Thursday evening I made some rounds on the track and had my first good experience with K58 RSC. Great for really wet tracks. Friday morning everyone was hoping for better weather---it helped and the sun said "Hello, here I am and stay with all of you crazy vespa racing guys for this weekend" :-D

25 Euro for a racing day is a really fair price, ever less than published before. More an more people arrived and we had much fun on the track. In the evening starting with some beers and "ending" with high quality red wine from Grete. Thanks for these superb bottles.

On Satursday we had to set the alarm to be up in time. Everyone was looking forward to get out onto the track. Even the sun was there this early. The good organisation and information made it easy to check, when everyone is out for practice and racing, also the recent laptimes were published right after every race. So, from me, a great great thank to Kty, Luccio and everyone else responsable for this event. :-D

The races were all very fair, no bad things happend and lap by lap I could loose here and there a second. Thanks to the riders in front, espacially the guy with the blue "authentic" smallframe. It's very useful to have fast riders in front, helps a lot to reach better laptimes.

And thanks for the prices in the evening, like last year really valuable presents like engine parts, exhauts and so on. Even for my fifth place in C3 I got a band new helmet and GS piston rings, wow! ...and a champagne shower for free!!

The dinner, also like last year, I would not book again next year. The location was very nice prepared and this time with a DJ with soul music, but the dinner itself wasn't worth the money. Maybe some fresh salads and vegetables together with the BBQ and chips. Or some local specialities, if possible. Whatever.

All in all it was very nice, we had a damned good time out on the track and for sure, we'll be back next year!!


Sodele, wir sind auch zurück, sein sehr geiles Wochenende wars!

Unglaublich viel Tracktime für das Geld am Freitag, gleich soviel dass ich meinen Racer so lange gefahren bin, dass am Samstag alles hochgegangen ist: Cosa Grundplatte geplatzt + Klemmer wegen defekter Benzinpumpe.

Hatte in weiser Voraussicht meinen Ersatzroller dabei, den ich leider bei 4. Gang vollausgedreht im Kiesbett nach der StartZiel Geraden parken musste, nachdem ich etwas überrascht beim Anbremsen festgestellt habe, dass eine halbe Runde zuvor bei einem kleinen Ausrutscher der Hebel für die Vorderbremse flöten ging.

Danke an den netten Franzosen vom Celtic SC fürs ROller-aus-dem-Kiesbett-Ziehen und an Sticky fürs Halten des Vorderrads, damit ich den Roller geradetreten kann :-D

Respekt an alle Fahrer, unglaubliche Rundenzeiten im Vergleich zu letztem Jahr (Resultate 2008), die beste Zeit setzte Marco Büttner mit 1:10.irgendwas. Wahnsinn.

Racing: Keine Verbesserung möglich

Party: Verbesserung möglich. Ich würde nächstes Jahr versuchen, die Leute mehr in einem Raum zu konzentrieren, der über ausreichend Partyequipment verfügt. So sind leider alle draussen bei den Tischen sitzen geblieben und die Party kam nicht so richtig ins Laufen. Auch würde ich mir eine Party am Freitag Abend wünschen.

MERCI für das geile Wochenende!

Meine Bilder

Finde den Fehler:


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


ja war schon ein geiles wochenende!

hätt nicht gedacht, dass ich bei meinem ersten rennen (class c2b, #90) aufn 4. platz fahre... :-D

hat jemand ne ahnung wo es die bilder zu sehen gibt?

achja, ich hab die strecke mit meinem nokia e71 per gps getrackt.. link davon kommt in kürze!


Bearbeitet von blaa
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

What a pleasure!!

So much track time to practise :-D:-D incredible

I enjoyed the whole weekend. Respect to the two guys who managed this event and all the helping hands.

Great expensive prices, unfortunately I didn´t get one :-D

Amazing stunts by some driving freaks (greetings to maniac ;-) ) --> India spare part rules

Edith forgot the vespatronic fly wheel killer Menzo :cry:

Track is totally perfect. Will join next year again!!!!!

P.S. the after show party needs some improvement especially the party crowd :-D:sly:;-)

Bearbeitet von bootman

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