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Challenge Scootentole - Mirecourt 2009 - 21st-24th May

Empfohlene Beiträge

  • Antworten 75
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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Veröffentlichte Bilder


After changing my crankshaft and cylinder on thursday :-D i had a really nice weekend at mirecourt

Thanks to Luccio and Kty for organizing a real great event with a perfect track and nice french weather :-D

Also many thanks to bootman, dani and marco for the fast support with spare parts and beer supply while fixing my engine.

Next year i will definitely come back :-D


Was a great weekend.

:-D weather

:-D track

;-) track time

:cry: people

:sly: organisation

;-) first race

:-D second race

:-D third race

Tomorrow I will take a look into my engine (this will take hours :-P I am a slow mechanician :wacko:)

But luckily I found 4 more seconds on the track.

I`ll be there next year too and i hope to see many french on german races this year.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
I`ll be there next year too and i hope to see many french on german races this year.

I hope to come to the R&R if my right shoulder is repared..... I don't know what's wrong but it is lowered compared to the left one :-D

I will see a doctor this afternoon.... :-D

If someone saw my bad fall on friday afternoon , please give me some details, I would like to understand what happened and how I crashed.... :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio

All timing from all class can be found in the following Excel workbook:


thanks for your coming and the show !

you can find several pictures on this post :


I will put online the ranks very soon... just need the time to scan them

So, as Luccio mentioned, all pictures and links can be seen in the above post (need registration on our forum).

I copy-paste links below, but many pictures are on the post:













And we are also waiting impatiently pictures from Michel Lemarié... Check regularly, should be on line in a couple of days...





Was passiert, wenn einen die Schaltraste kurz in einer langsamen Kurve aushebelt, man sofort wieder auf den Roller springt und kurz danach am Ende der Start-Ziel Gerade bei ca. 100 km/h feststellt, dass...






















































...der Bremshebel abgebrochen ist?

Man springt ab!

Danke an Sticky für die Bilder!





Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Was passiert, wenn einen die Schaltraste kurz in einer langsamen Kurve aushebelt, man sofort wieder auf den Roller springt und kurz danach am Ende der Start-Ziel Gerade bei ca. 100 km/h feststellt, dass...


...der Bremshebel abgebrochen ist?

Man springt ab!

Danke an Sticky für die Bilder!

Also nicht dass ein solcher Sturz jetzt erstrebenswert oder angenehm wäre.... aber auf die Bilder bin ich schon ein bischen neidisch... :-D

Bearbeitet von Johannes

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