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1. Int. Schaltroller-Cup Nürburgring 13.09.2009

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Veröffentlichte Bilder


No worries bringing the beers to the track.

I'll see more difficulties in organising one of these nice blond chicks.

But lucky me I just advertised one crate of beer as a reward.... :-D

See you in May 2010!


  • 2 Wochen später...

check in should be saturday evening, training and "race" should be sunday...

only one race! less track time!

BUT: "real" start refering to the laptimes from training session...



by the way, is the May event 2 days or 1 like September?

as the padocks are usualy open on saturday morning it is more or less a 2 day affair. and this one is very different to the reinoldus sprint as its a classic bike event with more than 350 starters. not one to miss.


and a handicap system - means you will have to carry some 50kg additional weight and a granny windscreen I am afraid :-D

Ok thanks.. a little more relaxed maybe? More social? More beers! :-D

Sounds good

I may even bring 'Marion' with her plate of beers :-D

Ok thanks.. a little more relaxed maybe? More social? More beers! :-D

Sounds good

I may even bring 'Marion' with her plate of beers :-D

and more social means even you have to mix with the german bunch :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sounds good to me guys. But I feel a little awkward because I dont speak German and somehow it feels wrong to expect you all to talk in English as you kindly did. However... if you are ok I will practise my 'dankes' for the tall blonde girl that you will supply holding my beers! :-D:-D


Bearbeitet von tony englander
and a handicap system - means you will have to carry some 50kg additional weight and a granny windscreen I am afraid :-D

Sorry Marcus. I dont have a granny windscreen but I will bring my bike in the same form as I use it for work.... see below! icon1.gif



Schaltrollercup die 2te ist bereits in Planung. Der derzeitige Termin ist aber eher unglücklich......ich arbeite daran..... etwas Geduld noch Mädels :-D

  • 2 Wochen später...

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