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April 18th, 2009 - PURE TRAINING Challenge Scootentole - Pusey (70) -

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Gentlemen, start your engine :-D

Scootentole.org is supporting the organization of a training event on the nice track of "Circuit de la Vallée" in Pusey-Vesoul (70), Frankreich, click ! A month before Mirecourt 2009 and 2 months before the ESC race opening, here is another good chance for you guys to fine-tune your engine and to revise your driving skills :-D



Planning for Saturday, 18th of April 2009

* Multiples 15/20 minutes training sessions, alternatively with go-kart rental through the whole day. You can expect a *minimum* of 2h driving per driver.

* No timing, no race, no rank, no prizes :)

* Depending on the amount of people attending, multiples classes could run together.

Price entry:

30€ to be paid on the spot

MINIMUM and MANDATORY equipment:

- Full/modular Helmet

- Bike leather gloves

- Boots

- Reinforced jacket and pants, bike type.

Other useful information

* You have to be covered by some kind of insurance

* You can eat on the spot at lunch time; there is also a shopping area, 5mins from the track, including a "Buffalo Grill" steack house and a "Leclerc" shopping center.

* You can camp on the Friday and on the Saturday night

* You will also have the possibility to drive on the track on the Friday afternoon in alternatively with go-Kart rental; Price to be precised.

* Track website: http://www.sportkarting.com

SURVEY: Help us prepare better this race meeting !! Would you come to this event ?



Bearbeitet von KTy
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I'd love to be there, unfortunatly can't make. (Picked-up the guitar again and have a gig that date. Stupid me). Had a really great time last year in Joigny.

But the plan is to meet in may, on the track in Mirecourt.

A bien tôt.

John F


Short feedback from 2 guys that went there yesterday; You really have to come :-D

Track is in very good condition with massive grip, triple S curve in 2nd gear, straigth line long enough but not too long :-D to pass the 4th on a Largeframe, heavy braking with 90° curve, then some more high speed curves in 3rd and so on....

If you can make it, don't miss it, it's a cheap training on a very nice spot !! :-D


  • 2 Wochen später...

This is THIS weekend !

Reminder again:

* You can camp on the Friday and on the Saturday night

* 30?

* starting around 9h

* if you plan to come, even at the last minute, please send a short email to [email protected]

Enjoy, I will train in Jesolo, IT :D

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