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Hier mal meine Compilation:

That have you you so thought! (Das hast du dir so gedacht!)

Give not so on! (Gib nicht so an!)

Heaven, ass and thread! (Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn!)

Mealtime (Mahlzeit)

Of again see (Auf Wiedersehen)

Us runs the water in the mouth together. (Uns läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen.)

Human being Meier! (Mensch Meier!)

I only understand railstation... (Ich versteh' nur Bahnhof...)

My dear Mister singing-club! (Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein!)

Now we sit quite beautiful in the ink... (Jetzt sitzen wir ganz schön in der Tinte...)

Your English is under all pig! (Dein Englisch ist unter aller Sau!)

Slow going is all truck's beginning. (Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.)

Now can come what wants. (Nun kann kommen was will.)

to have a jump in the dish (einen Sprung in der Schüssel haben)

to have much wood before the cottage (viel Holz vor der Hütte haben)

to have not all cups in the board (nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben)

together-hang-less (zusammenhanglos)

if you think, you can beat me over the ear, you are on the woodway (wenn du

denkst, du kannst mich übers Ohr hauen, bist du auf dem Holzweg)

I'm heavy on wire (ich bin schwer auf draht)

Natürlich sollte man auch die schönen Orte Deutschlands immer parat haben:

-> Ass-monkey-castle (Aschaffenburg)

-> Bathroom-rich-echo (Bad Reichenhall)

-> Double-you-upper-valley (Wuppertal)

-> How's bathing (Wiesbaden)

-> Raw-stick (Rostock)

-> Rectal-town (Darmstadt) <--- wie geil ist der denn bitte?!? *gröhl*

-> Spice-castle (Würzburg)

-> Theremouth (Dortmund)

-> To-Sitdown-home (Hockenheim)

-> Top-of-the-train (Zugspitze)

-> Brown-keep silent! (braunschweig *höhööö*)

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Hat mich grad per EMail erreicht:

Greet God,

I write you, because you must help me.

I have seen your Space Shuttle in the television. In color.

And so come me the idea to make holidays in the worldroom.

Alone without any crazy wife.

I am the Kraxlhuber.

The Hofer Anderl was my clock-clock grandfather.

I stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me.

She has a shrill voice like a circle saw. She lets no good hair at me.

She says I am a Schlapptail.

She wants that I become Bürgermaster. But I want not be Bürgermaster.

I have nothing at the hat with the political shit. I want my Ruah.

And so I want make holidays on the moon. Without my bad half. But I

take my dog with me. He is a boxer. His name is Wurstl.

So I want book a flight in your next Space Shuttle. But please give me

not a window place. I would kotz you the rocket full, because I am not

swindlefree. And no standing-place please.

And please do not tell my wife that I want to go alone.

She has a big Schrot-Gun.

She would make sieb from my ass.

I need not much comfort. A nice double-room with bath and kloo and

heating. And windows with look to the earth.

So I can look through my far-glass and see my wife working on the

potatoefield. And my dog and I laugh us a brunch (hahaha).

We will kringel ourself bevor laughing.

Is what loose on the moon?

I need warm weather and I hope the sun shines every day.

This is very good for my frost-boils.

With friendly Servus,

Kraxlhuber and Pauli


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Er rollt und rollt und rollt - der Reifen von Reifen Schwarz.

He rolls and rolls and rolls - the tire from tire black.

Und Edith fällt noch ein:

Kann man machen, muss man aber nicht! - Can man make, must man but not!

Bearbeitet von Sir-Largeframe
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Go to where the pepper grows

Geh hin wo der Pfeffer waechst

I believe I spider

Ich glaub ich spinne

You can give me one out

Du kannst mir eigentlich einen ausgeben

That is me sowhat of sausage

das ist mir sowas von Wurscht

That comes overhead not in the bag

das kommt ueberhaupt nicht in die Tuete

that was full for the ass

das war voll fuer den Arsch

you go me on the cookie

du gehst mir auf den Keks

again what learned

wieder was gelernt

me runs the water in the mouth together

mir laeuft das wasser im mund zusammen

nothing for ungood

nichts fuer ungut

how you me, so i you

wie du mir, so ich dir

look that you come further

schau dass du weiter kommst

i did not swim here on the burning soup

ich bin net auf der Brennsuppe daher geschwommen

you can blow me my sportshoe up

du kannst mir mal den Turnschuh aufblasen

you hit me not over the ear

du haust mich net uebers Ohr

that goes you nothing on

das geht dich gar nix an

Clean, there lay you down

sauber, da legst dich nieder

that was stupid walked

das ist bloed gelaufen

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