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Moin !

Diesmal nicht im Februar, sondern im März.

@Carrie: Fährst du mit deinem T-Shirt hin?

Eric - vielen von RnR bekannt - freut sich sehr über deutsche Teilnehmer.



High Rollers Weekend

10th Anniversary

March 19th-23rd, 2009

High Rollers Homepage

To make this 10th anniversary of the High Rollers Weekend the biggest and best Las Vegas Rally ever, we have been pounding away to make it an even more spectacular event! One big announcement is we have reduced the hotel costs even more.


In consideration of the economic times, we went back to the Tropicana and asked if they could lower the room rates further. We started negotiating with them in February when the world was rosy. They generously got back to us with new lower rates of $49 Thur/Sun and $115 Fri/Sat, an $80 reduction for the 4 nights. This is an amazing room price for being on the best part of the Vegas strip.

So anybody who has already booked at $69 and $135 WILL GET the new, lower rate, and anybody that does book WILL GET the lower rates. So no matter when you book, you will get the changed lower rates! It may take a few days for the Tropicana to update their online booking system with the reduced rates, but we think it is done now. The prices will be about the same as any online prices; so don?t get fooled by those online brokers with their hidden fees.

Please note: over 1/3 of the hotel rooms are already booked, so book now before our discount rooms are all taken. Tell all the slackers you know to also book ASAP. Used this LINK or the call in with this discount code: SHRW309. Look at website for more details on room choices.


We are very pleased to have Dave Wakeling/The Beat perform for us Saturday night and he has emphatically expressed that he is also excited to spend time with us. He is a genuine guy who understands that scooterists are part of his roots and plans to offer us a very special performance.

In addition we will have the band the Love Me Nots playing their 60"s based garage fuzz sounds Friday night. And of course both nights we will have DJs pounding sounds to get the dance floors bumping. See the Events section of website for full details.

Pre-Registration and Rally Swag/Wristbands

There will be no pre-registration necessary. But a limited number of Rally bags with patches and wristbands will be sold Friday at the 4pm Meet and Greet for $30. Wristbands will get you into the Friday and Saturday night events. Rally T-shirts and swag will be available at Friday Meet and Greet, Saturday Show and Shine, and Sunday Scooter Shenanigans. See Events section.

Pre-order Shirts and limited quantity items will be available to order on the website after Jan 1st.

Additional Details

This year we will have a special Scooter Build Off in addition to the scooter judging. This build off event started Sept. 1st 2008 and will end Saturday of the rally. This is hosted by Paisans.org and for more details and sneak peeks, go to www.ScooterBuildoff.com.

We will have dedicated scooter-parking area by the Garden 3 wing. A map of the area will be up within a few days, see events sections for map link.

There are many events planned all weekend long, so no matter what your tastes are, you should find things to keep you busy. No other town is like Las Vegas and every minute in Sin City is full of energy and excitement - plan on having a great time.

Since oil prices have come down, flight prices will be getting cheaper soon and driving costs have been cut in half. So don?t even think of using those excuses to not attend!

And finally, it will also be the last year ever the British will attend as a ?large organized group?; so this is the year for you to break the bank and make your appearance. Future Vegas Rallies nor any other rally in the USA will ever be this big again ? period.



Bearbeitet von erasmo

Danke Matthias!

For the past 5 years I have been coming to your rallies, now it is time for you to come to ours! This will be a blow out and the biggest yet. Honestly there may never be a bigger rally in the USA since the British will never come again in such large numbers. We will never be at as good of a hotel (Tropicana) or have such a large band play (Dave Wakeling/English beat). Plus it is Vegas, an amazing place for a scooter rally!!!!!! As I said, this is the year to break the bank and show up! Air fares are coming down and you Germans/Europeans get like twice as much vacation time as us. So do whatever it takes and you will thank me at the end.

Hope to see you there,



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