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Hi everyone,

I am looking for a reed cage which is a bit wider than a RD350 reed cage(~48mm ). The one I am looking for should be around 55m wide-the part that goes into the engine case. Anyone know which bike has a reed cage like that? Most reed cages of 125cc bikes I've seen was like 60-65mm.


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Great, thanks, do you maybe know of a vforce of that width? Which displacement tzr is that reed cage from?

Just to ask something else, I am building a 180 piaggio/gilera CVT tuned engine and fist I thought of fitting a RD 350/banshee reed cage with boyesen reeds. I don't even know if that's worth the hassel with 28mm carb, I think it should be because standard reed cage is so small. Later I might change to a bigger carb (32 or so) so it would be a nice feature to have a bigger reed cage. Do you think it's worth fitting even bigger reed cage than rd350 , thats's why I am asking for something like 55mm wide because there is enough room in the crankcase to do that.

Any input greatly appreciated.

edit: I hope it's ok to write in english here as I saw some other english topics

Bearbeitet von xran

I think, and many tryouts approved this, that a 350RD-Size Reedvalve is good enough for more than 35HP and 38`er Carbs! I drive the TZR Reed. A little bit of work and it fits

in an RD-Size-Housing.

I hope my english is good enough for you to understand :-D



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