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Hi guys

I´ve just finished rebuilding a motor I picked up at a scrap yard in Italy many years ago ! The motor is a V5X2M (serial No. 532***) which as far as I can tell would make it a PK50S from 1983 ! The strange thing is it only has 3 gears !!! Is this normal ?

I used it for a while in my PK50xl while I tuned the original motor, having looked at the numbers on my original xl motor I have seen that it is a V5X1M (serial No. 269***) motor which would make it older than the other ! Does anyone have any more information than I can find on the internet ? Did a pk50s from 1983 really only have 3 gears ?

Thanks for the help in advance




Hello Rob,

I remember seeing PK50S-Vespas (rented scooters) with only 3 gears in my Italian holidays in the 80´s. Therefore I think it ´s very normal.

Bye, bobcat

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