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Hi !

I have often read that pk rear brakes are better than primavera/Et3/special brakes, but is it really true ?

I have compared both and the brakes pads have the same width, the only thing that is different is the pad axis, on pk the distance is bigger between the two axis.

Does this difference make a better braking ?


Keuk from scootentole

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi there,

yes there is a big difference between both breakes. The PK works much better that the one from PV/V50/... because it's a complete different constuction. Take a look at the whole brake (especially the arm where the bowden cable is fitted), not just the pads and you will see the difference


Bearbeitet von Paichi

@ Paichi :

We´re talking about the rear brake, not fork right ???

I couldn´t recognize a differance between pk and v50/pv brake both work fine ! ( i am not refering to the constructing, just function )


Rear brakes are the same as far as I can see. I?ve never heard that One is better than the other.

The front brake on a PK is much better than the PV as Paichi mentioned the Geometry of a PK is totally different than a PV.



Thanx guys

Here are the specifications

- Polini 130 machined with GS piston and king size transfert ports. Squich 1,1 Timings 185 125

- Head malossi gravediggerised... + Bosh W3AC

- Polini manifold with stage6 reed valve and homemade 28 inlet.

- Koso 28

- Vespatrionic

- Mazzuchelli anticiped crankshaft

- 4th DRT

- Primary 2,86 DRT renforced (ratio 3.00 + DRT gear)

- Front suspension bitubo (10mm dropped with homemade part)

- Throttle Domino

- Exhaust PM40

- Front tire Schwalbe 90/90-10 Rear 100/80-10

- Brake disc PX with LML brake drum (modified)

Some pics of the scoot here:



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