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This is the first one...

I write from Italy (I live near Maranello where Ferrari is built) and I?m registered on ET3.it forum.

I have 2 vespa: the first is a Vespa 50 L with a 144 Falc?s kit, the other is a Vespa 50 Special with 175 Falc?s kit (I know very well Lauro, a big teacher of 2 stroke engine!!).

Well?I want to ask to german people a question?

In Italy we don?t understand if the new Grimeca Nt kit can be mounted plug and play (without modification,alteration) on a fork of the PK vespa like rush, n, xls?

Some people said that only the Classic Grimeca kit set on the fork of the PK vespa like Rush?in fact some of them tells that after mounting the kit and after completely mount, when they squeeze very well the brake drum this remain braked and so the brake drum don?t rotate freely?

Maybe the problem is the length of the axis that support the brake drum, brake calliper..?

But on the web site of Sip scooter shop there is write that the kit can be mounted with the PK rush fork (PX EFL/T5/PK/XL/2) and the ?only problem? is that the shock absorber seating has to be slightly modified as PK models feature a different hole distance of the shock absorber.

Some of us have mounted the Grimeca Nt kit on a PK Rush fork? Please help Italian people because we don?t understand?the only thing that we certainly know is that the brake kit of the Vespa Millenium 98 (whit five-pointed star at the front) mounted on a Pk rush fork but is not in line (in center) for 3 mm with the axe of the Vespa.

Another question is if someone have mounted (and his opinion) the Malossi rs24 front suspension in his Vespa, and not the classic Bitubo that are to much rigid?

Thank you to all people that want help us!! :-D

Sorry for English!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello Italy,

it is possible to mount the new Grimeca NT kit on a PK Fork Rush.....

It is the same procedure like the PX Millenium Kit, including the 3mm displacement (i guess it has been the same with the Grimeca Classic, but you won´t notice).

Also it is possible to mount a RS24. I would recommend the S&S version, because this one is 18mm shorter, I am a link. It is usefull to have the shorter version, because the PK fork is 35mm longer compared to the original fork (dragster look).

Some GSF users tested the RS24 in the european scooter challange and it can be recommended.

Hope i could help :-D



This is the first one...

I write from Italy (I live near Maranello where Ferrari is built) and I’m registered on ET3.it forum.

I have 2 vespa: the first is a Vespa 50 L with a 144 Falc’s kit, the other is a Vespa 50 Special with 175 Falc’s kit (I know very well Lauro, a big teacher of 2 stroke engine!!).

Well…I want to ask to german people a question…

In Italy we don’t understand if the new Grimeca Nt kit can be mounted plug and play (without modification,alteration) on a fork of the PK vespa like rush, n, xls…

Some people said that only the Classic Grimeca kit set on the fork of the PK vespa like Rush…in fact some of them tells that after mounting the kit and after completely mount, when they squeeze very well the brake drum this remain braked and so the brake drum don’t rotate freely…

Maybe the problem is the length of the axis that support the brake drum, brake calliper..?

But on the web site of Sip scooter shop there is write that the kit can be mounted with the PK rush fork (PX EFL/T5/PK/XL/2) and the “only problem” is that the shock absorber seating has to be slightly modified as PK models feature a different hole distance of the shock absorber.

Some of us have mounted the Grimeca Nt kit on a PK Rush fork? Please help Italian people because we don’t understand…the only thing that we certainly know is that the brake kit of the Vespa Millenium 98 (whit five-pointed star at the front) mounted on a Pk rush fork but is not in line (in center) for 3 mm with the axe of the Vespa.

Another question is if someone have mounted (and his opinion) the Malossi rs24 front suspension in his Vespa, and not the classic Bitubo that are to much rigid…

Thank you to all people that want help us!! :-D

Sorry for English!

Bearbeitet von spanier8877

Thank you for the answer!

For that reguard rear suspension Malossi RS 24 in italy we install the one for ZIP sp?we only change the lower fixing?and it?s very confortable!!!!

For that concern the front suspension I see on GSF forum that someone have mounted this suspension on the PK rush fork?because I want mount Malossi RS 24 n: M467900 and SIP in the description mention ?for Quartz,Zip sp and Pk?..

What we said of Bitubo? You use a spring difference from the original and less rigidity?

Thank you for the answer!

For that reguard rear suspension Malossi RS 24 in italy we install the one for ZIP sp?we only change the lower fixing?and it?s very confortable!!!!

But isn´t it to rigid?

Yes, we use the RS24 model for Quartz,Sip, PK.

The version i posted is 18mm lower and custom made by "Scooter & Service Hamburg". Due too the lower center of mass it is improving your ride.


Thanks to DUST for using his picture!

Here you can see the shorter version mounted.

Regards AL


wow .. very beautiful Vespa ...

the zip sp is more low 18-mm right?

but there are problems with the fender and the distance Pk hole on the fork?

Bitubo for me are too rigid and there is not 'a spring replacement less hard ...

wow .. very beautiful Vespa ...

the zip sp is more low 18-mm right?

No, there is a Vespa shop in Hamburg called S&S, specialized in customised scooterparts.

The main porblem is, the PK Rush fork is 35mm to long (compared to a V50 fork), so the guys from S&S developed a kit to lower the Malossi 18mm.

-->PICTURE KLICK<-- and here where you can buy it-->S&S SHOP<--

but there are problems with the fender and the distance Pk hole on the fork?

Yes, you have to modulate the V50 fender and it is a lot of work to get it fixed with the PK fork + RS24. (my opinion)

Hope that´s fine for LENKI that i used his image. :-D

V50 fender fitted, normal length RS 24 mounted.

Greets AL


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ok..thanks to everybody?you are very usefull!!!

So I can mount Grimeca NT kit with no problem (but there are 2 mm on the left side..)..

However there is no problem like someone told (they teel that the brake drum remain braked and so the brake drum don?t rotate freely?)..it?s false?right? If you are sure that mount without problem I will do?

Therefore also on with the Classic Kit there are 3 mm on the left side??? In Italy no one said this..person said that is perfectly in line with the wheel axis? It?s new for me?

However I think I will mount Grimeca NT kit with whoop disc Malossi?someone can tell me if it?s good in braking? Or you uses Braking disc?

Also I will mount Rs 24 suspension...I think it?s better than Bitubo?this one it?s so hard for road way?

But I think I will mount an extension in the rear suspension for balance the 35 mm more long in the front of Vespa?

Bearbeitet von BERGO

What you say about Malossi whoop disc and Braking for Vespa? Wich of this is better?

Can I mount the ZIP Sp brake callipers with 32 mm enlarged brake piston or not??

For that reguard the brake pads..malossi mhr or other??

Thank you!!!

What you say about Malossi whoop disc and Braking for Vespa? Wich of this is better?

Can I mount the ZIP Sp brake callipers with 32 mm enlarged brake piston or not??

For that reguard the brake pads..malossi mhr or other??

Thank you!!!

ZIP SP calipers can be mounted, BUT you will have to grind some material off the caliper and the bleeder screw will be on the wrong side, so you will have to turn the brake upside down for bleeding...

But isn´t it to rigid?

Yes, we use the RS24 model for Quartz,Sip, PK.

The version i posted is 18mm lower and custom made by "Scooter & Service Hamburg". Due too the lower center of mass it is improving your ride.


Thanks to DUST for using his picture!

Here you can see the shorter version mounted.

Regards AL

Frage zwischendurch, was ist das für eine Sitzbank?



Do you have a link to the Braking disc? I didn't know yet that they also offer a disc for Vespa...

Unfortunately I only have experience with the original disc. But for this racing season I think I will try the Galfer Wave Disc Link (If the link doesn't work: #101232)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Do you have a link to the Braking disc? I didn't know yet that they also offer a disc for Vespa...

Unfortunately I only have experience with the original disc. But for this racing season I think I will try the Galfer Wave Disc Link (If the link doesn't work: #101232)

braking is the same of gilera dna rear...


code GLO1RID....price 30?...

Bearbeitet von BERGO

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