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Empfohlene Beiträge


ah, there you are already! i just mailed you.



pm's are possible, on the right top of each page there's a "X neue Nachricht(en)" ("X new messages") on the light blue background.

damn, still no english language interface available? :-D


momentchen noch... (ich glaub' die mails hin und her von der insel gehen noch per brieftaube?!?) er hat bald "outside ebay"-preise.


The listing isn't running at the moment as all the springs I had on there have gone! I will be putting another listing up in a couple of days but please feel ferr to email or send me a message in the meantime for "private" sales. Thanks again Stephan, Chiggy

Will You sell springs and bushes at Lincolnshire when i have ridden my shock to the ground with all my baggage?

:-D I wont be doing a stall as I'll be on my Lambretta but if you let me know what you want before I can take them with me, or if there's lots I can get my wife to bring them in the car!

Can anyone tell me how to send private messages on here, I don't want to fill this thread with my crap!!!

:-D I wont be doing a stall as I'll be on my Lambretta but if you let me know what you want before I can take them with me, or if there's lots I can get my wife to bring them in the car!

Can anyone tell me how to send private messages on here, I don't want to fill this thread with my crap!!!

yes we can !


Has anyone pictures of the Wife ?????

Crap is essential in this part of the forum , cause this is the avantgarde part !

By the way I´ve just signed in, in this forum because I searched with google for bushes and wives, but I can`t find addresses or pictures , what is it all about ?

Is this a gay community, is there someone out there from cologne ?

@FoxRacing - sag Bescheid sobald du input hast, und Preise ansagen kannst.

Can anyone tell me how to send private messages on here, I don't want to fill this thread with my crap!!!

Klick on the nick-name. The 3rd Line in the drop down menue marked with an envelope "Nachricht senden" = "send (private) message"

But - like sukram - i think it´s not necessary. We like crap. :-D


kennt jemand die Länge der ungespannten Feder, Drahtstärke, Windungszahl und den Innendurchmesser?

Wenn ja könnte man ja auch mal auf dem heimischen Markt schaun was so was kostet...Federn sind in der Regel doch ne recht preisgünstige Angelegenheit....speziell wenn man mal 10 Stück oder so bestellt.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

hi Chiggy, bought a shock from you about 3 years ago...it works as good now as it did on the first day fitted, marvellous conversion!

cheers, Michael (Austria)

Bearbeitet von Powes

Unten (bei Moped oben)- also am Ausgleichbehälter: Druckstufen, Oben: Zugstufe. Die verschiedenen Federbeinvarianten haben auch verschieden viele Stufen bei dem mit 20 stufen ist die Grundeinstellung 15 clicks in gegen Uhrzeigesinn

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