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Scooterracing in Gothenburg

Empfohlene Beiträge


Scooterracing at ALE RING in Gothenburg Sweden!

Try to repeat the success from earlier years.

You are great welcome to fit in our race with your scooter.

Standard 125. (std cyl, std brakes, std induction max 125ccm)

Tuned 250 (175ccm-250ccm, modified brakes, modified induction)

LOCO tuning (this class is free and for all that not fit the above, must be a schaltroller though)

please register at the latest 9th of april to my email adress.


please include the following



Brand of scooter



Type of cylinder (brand, model, bore x stroke)

Carburetor size

Tyre dimension

There will also be a party at saturday evening. If you plan to attend the party only, please also leave a note so there will be enough beer.

Hope to see as many of you as possible




  • 2 Monate später...
  • 2 Wochen später...

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