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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

hi mate,

this post will not last long if you do not post prices, if the parts are your property, where they are located and if they are advertised elsewhere. those are the rules, otherwise ou need to post this in the commercial section.

also pics would be nice



Bearbeitet von poppa
hi mate,

this post will not last long if you do not post prices, if the parts are your property, where they are located and if they are advertised elsewhere. those are the rules, otherwise ou need to post this in the commercial section.

also pics would be nice



hello chris ,

all parts are mine and located in antwerpen - belgien .

nothing commercial just clearing some stuff as i need space in my garage !!

as stated just send me a mail with what you need and i reply with price and pics ,




some pics as requested , got some more small stuff and a seat frame + catch , bottom headset


cilindercover 10euro


fueltank 15euro


plastic toolbox 10euro


frame part 15euro


sidecasing 15euro


kickstart 10euro

postage will start from 10euro


Hi Tim,

is the plastic tool box of an early J 50 or a late one? There are small differences in the size of early and late toolboxes and therefore they aren't interchangeable.

Please let me know the size from side to side from the top view (like on the pic) of the toolbox.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Hi Tim,

is the plastic tool box of an early J 50 or a late one? There are small differences in the size of early and late toolboxes and therefore they aren't interchangeable.

Please let me know the size from side to side from the top view (like on the pic) of the toolbox.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


it's 19cm x 24cm , hope this helps .



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