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The 'Scooterclub Catalan' will have its rally on the 5th-6th and 7th of june 2009

If you will be around here in the beginning of june, you will be welcome!

For information: We're located in the south of France around the city of Perpignan, on the mediterranean coast and beside Pyrenees mountains on the Spain border.

And Barcelona citycenter is only 2 hours by car from here.

Here is the sunniest place of France (if we except french islands)

I give you a link to our forum index where a "english speaking section" had been created for you (click on the "union flag")


*French scooterists from other areas and Spanish ones will come, then it will be a good international rally

And we want it friendly and with good fun!

fast translation of that page:


(have a look on it, there are pictures and camp site prices)

programme of the week-end:

on friday:

*at 17:00 and after= welcome of the scooterists in the camp site "les Flamants Roses" à SAINT NAZAIRE

*for dinner: snacks and drinks in the camp site

*at 21:00 = scooterist's night with deejays in the camp site (northern soul, ska, reggae,...)

on saturday:

*at 09:00 and after = welcome of the scooterists in the camp site


*12:00 = "Monster Catalan Grillade" (lunch) -we have our own 'lambretta driver' cook!-

*15:00 = Scooter Run (on the catalan coast and see border)

*18:00 = Fun Games and Custom Show in the camp site

*21:00 = Dinner + drinks, and Dancing Night with deejays in the camp site (reggae, ska, northern soul, funk, r'n'blues,...)

on sunday:


*No plan, feel free during the morning and the afternoon, +lunch (if there is food left), swimming pool, sunbathing, scooter ride,... (as you want)

*end of the rally

Rally Pack 30euros:

*rally patch

*2 beers

*breakfasts (on saturday and sunday)

*lunch and dinner (on saturday)

*free access/swimming pool

*free entrance/deejays nights (friday and saturday)

informations/camp site:

*accommodation is not included in the pack

*campsite booking: http://www.lesflamantsroses.com/index.html

camping "les flamants roses" , avenue de canet - 66570 saint nazaire

+334 68 80 21 03

*access: from toll motorway A9, direction 'Perpignan Centre (péage nord)', then direction 'Canet en Roussillon', intercity motorway (take care of radar control!), then direction 'Saint Nazaire' (exit n°5), straight on 3kms (2miles) and then the campsite is on your left just before the entry to SAINT NAZAIRE

(some details on the website)

If some of you are around here on the south coast of France in the beginning of june, you will be welcome!


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