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    • Mal ne neue Technik....   Duselige Fragen, mit ebensolchen beantworten.  
    • @toneless yep, either a dello engineer helps or a sectional model. Who is willing to cut his VHSH for investigation?  I fully agree, that there is more behind than just putting the jets sequentially into one and the same borehole. 
    • Sorry for writing in English.   As far as I know, the outer ND acts as an extension and also as a "needle valve" for the independent idle circuit.    The ND should be a little larger than the emulsifier jet but I believe #120 ND will mess with the atomization at lower rpm.   Similar to installing a #400 needle valve in an engine that already has a fuel pump.   In the VHST series, Dell'Orto used emulsifier and ND in one piece. So it was always B40 and #40 ND connected together. I don't know if this worked ok but they must have a good reason to offer them separately for the VHSH and it's bigger brothers.      Keihin and Mikuni only use the emulsifier tube but pilot hole is directly above and almost instant. Dellorto uses a "chamber" and a more sophisticated system with the progression hole but there is not a lot of good info out there.    Who can convince a Dellorto engineer to come and enlighten us?    P.s I recently learned from a guy in Italy that Dellorto main jets are "accurate". A so-called CNC machine tests all main jets with compressed air and even if a main jet is bored to e.g #0.14mm it may not be stamped as #140 because of a burr or the shape of the cone of the drill that may make it behave like #130 or #150, so it will be stamped accordingly.    I am an amateur machinist and I do know that cutting tools do wear with each use so the Dellorto testing machine might be a more accurate way of thinking. Who knows.     
    • Bestimmt.   (Ich mag da lieber gekräuselte Petersilie zu.)   @QuickshifterSchaut lecker aus! 
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