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das schnelle S mitn stoffi drauf schaut sehr fein aus. der hr. mayer treibts übrigends zz ja ganz schön bunt: eurolambretta, rennen mallory park, world vespa days, run and race, rennen in italien - das alles innerhalb von 15 tagen! respekt!

  • 2 Wochen später...

Ciao, this is the video of the race http://vimeo.com/5377806, this is the official one http://vimeo.com/5304226 , and this my onboard

As you can see the track was really fantastic and fast, almost 130km/h. During the second race I had a problem with the carburator so I had to slow down my race. They are too fast for a PX even when it's ok :-D second place it the end of the day is ok

Thanks to stoffi's to enjoy our races.....

hope to visi you for some ESC race



ESC 121

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