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For sale 2 essential items to convert your normal italian Lambretta S2 into a Eibar (winter model turning mudguard) lookalike

or to replace that broken part not worth fixing.

NOS Fibreglass mudguard (very rare) - in perfect mint condition, ready for primer and paint.

?150 + shipping from Denmark (or serious offer)




Original horncast in near mint condition - the hole for horncover has been fixed and needs to be drilled and tapered.

Also there is a minor crack in the top of the horncast - easily fixed (hard to see in picture, but it's there).

All threads are good - all in all a very nice rare original item.

?120 + shipping from Denmark (or serious offer)





For any questions don't hesitate to contact me. I can read and understand german language, but can only communicate in english.

Payment can be done via Paypal or Banktransfer - And again please note that I am based in Copenhagen/Denmark.

Cheers / Nick

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