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Okay, I carry no weight in mine, the UK MOT will not allow cutting a coil out of the spring and I can't find a small enough clamp down tensioner.

So, are my options limited to buying a new set of springs, shortening them by cutting and placing them in after the MOT?

Thanks in advance.


Yes, I want to drop her down to at least lose the posative camber on the rear wheels as I won't be carrying any payloads. I think I'm stuck with the option of buying more springs, cutting them and then installing after the test is done. Not the best option I know but it's the best I can come up with myself.


You can buy a suspension kit from F-Power, including lowered springs and also the spring retainers.

In Germany, the Kit is about 200 Euros. I think some bags of concrete in the back will have the same effect :-D

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