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Hi all!

I am planning on building a new PX200+ engine.

How is the power output with MMW/MRB compared to a 250cc cross reed?

Is it worth the job, with welding and stuff??

I have access to machines, so i can do all the job myself..

I will use Malossi 210, Lippenwelle 60mm or 62,5mm, and Mikuni TMX 30-35.


Well, how do you want to use the 250 Reed Valve? Direct into the crankcase or with an modified MRB? Some guys here use the MRB ang get more than 25PS from it! So he isn't the worst thing on world and is good for maximum Power Output. I prefer the Direct Valves because I have a system what you can mount only with screws! I don't need to weld it! But in max Power Output its the same like MRB


I planned on using it direct into the crankcase.

I have thought about mounting it with screws.

Have you got any pictures of yours??

So when it comes to power you think it doesn`t mather which type i use?


Nope, doesn't matter. Till now, there is no dyno which says the Direct Valves are better than the MRB. Stefan Wahl reaches 160km/h and he uses an MBD. Some pictures? Yeah, I do, but on those pictures, it isn't finished

Look here


That's an engine build in ÖsiLand by Plueschen



Just a short question - direct valves are mounted direct on the engine without the connection peace like the MRB or the malossi, right?

Nochmal auf deutsch:

direkt valve heißt also die Membran wie wir sie alle kennen, nur das sie direkt aufm Block sitzt, ohne dem Verbindungsstück a la MRB oder Malossi, richtig?



UPS - naja den Verbindungsfrieden hab ich nun wirklich nicht gemeint....sondern "piece" wie du es rechterweise korrigiert hast.

Nadann alles klar.

Aber mal allgemein - kann mir nicht vorstellen daß eine direkt montierte Membran vor- oder nachteilig ist, oder?



Ist ne Glaubensfrage! Ich mag direktmembran andere mögen den Stutzen. Jedem das seine. Aber das schöne ist, man kann sich das System aussuchen, was einem am besten gefällt und hat trotzdem nicht weniger Leisstung als mit der Alternative

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