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Empfohlene Beiträge

sounds great!!! :-D

Auf der F1 Strecke?

Welche Vespetten gehen an den Start?

Ja auf der F1 Strecke, Torsten ,Robert , Alex und meine Wenigkeit borky.

Drei Smallframe und eine Largeframe, wahrscheinlich.

Kommst du mit?

Kannst ja bei uns mit fahren.

Platz haben wir noch einen.

thx gerhard,

schade das es nicht die F1 strecke ist, die hätte mich mehr gereizt.

kommt ihr trotzdem von kölle runter?

Auf jedenfall, sind schon gemeldet.

Sage bescheid wenn du mit willst, haben nächste Woche ein meeting deswegen.

  • 1 Monat später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


Hallo Leute !

Better late than never, right ?! :-D

Here comes the 4th edition of the "Challenge Scootentole" :-D


Registration form is finally online ! (nur auf Französisch, sorry !)

In pdf: http://www.scootentole.org/CS/CS09Magny/Do...n_CS09Magny.pdf

Paypal address: paypal@scootentole.org

Registration deadline; You can send via email your form an pay via Bank or Paypal transfers before May 17th !!

It will be held during the 3rd WE of September, from the 18th to the 20th!

You will also again have the possibility to train on the track on Friday and Sunday, for a reasonable price !

The track is the official GO-Kart track of Nevers Magny Cours;


A very nice track in perfect condition, 1110m x 8m, fully equipped !

More info: http://scootentolenevers2009.blogspot.com/


This event is opened to all "vintage scooter" riders, from the beginner to the most experimented..... !

Saturday will be vintage-scooters only day, with qualifying and racing or just riding for those that want to just discover what track riding is like (C1 class).

Please keep in mind that categories are somehow different than the ESC ones; Drivers will be classified in 4 categories:

C1 : Track discovery - no race or timing but the opportunity to put your wheels on a true race track and to go at your own rythm.

C2a and C2b : Daily racing........take your every day scooter and race with it (see restrictions)

C3 : Small Frame racing (120->150cc)

C4 : Large Frame racing (>150cc )


- C2a only full stock scooters, no mods allowed (no cylinder kit, no performance exhaust,... etc).

- C2b:

--- Carb restricted to 24mm.

--- Full metal flywheel only, no plastic fans

--- Air cooled engine only.

--- Tyres must be road legal type (no slick or cross)

--- The engine should be fixed as intended by the manufacturer

--- The overall looking of the scooter should be close to original

More informations on regulations here, sorry, but only french at the moment.



Just ask for more informations about regulations on categories. ;)

IMPORTANT: to ride in the "race" categories (C2, C3 et C4), you should provide a copy of your driving licence and a copy of a medical certificate that allow you to take part in racing events.

It is also planned to have a dyno accessible !

Registration Fees:

- Visitors : 10?

- C1 riders : 39? full day / 10? per session (NEW !)

- C2->C4 riders : 59?

If you register on the spot it will be slightly more expensive: 13?/45?/65?

This price includes:

- Camping 1 or 2 nights with electricity, WC and showers.

- 1 or 2 breakfasts.

- Saturday night party (DJ RCF1, http://www.myspace.com/rcf1graffiti )

- Track access on Saturday for C1->C4 riders

- Access to the dyno

- Insurance for Saturday

It does not include :

- the price to ride on thursday, friday and sunday, that should be paied to the owner of the track, tbd.

- your meals.

Optionnal Saturday evening "cold buffet" (14?) includes (PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY !):

  • Salade de tomates au Basilic oignons, olives noirs;
  • Taboulé oriental à la menthe fraîche;
  • Salade esprit niçois;
  • Duo de melon et pastèques rafraîchis;
  • Jambon persillé de Bourgogne et ses petits lègumes au vinaire blanc;
  • Assortiment de viande froide sur lit de salade (Sauce tartare, moutarde et cornichons)
  • Patisserie ou tarte aux fruits selon l'époque;
  • Café.

Saturday planning

7h30-8h15 : Registrations and technical controls

8h15: Briefing

8h30: Roulage1 Tourisme (C1)

8h50: Training (no timing) C3

9h10: Training (no timing) C2

9h30: Training (no timing) C4

9h50: Roulage2 Tourisme (C1)

10h10: Qualification1 C3

10h30: Qualification1 C2

10h50: Qualification1 C4

11h10: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

11h30: Qualification2 C3

11h50: Qualification2 C2

12h10: Qualification2 C4

Lunch break: Track closed 12h30-14h00

13h50: 2nd Briefing

14h00: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

14h20: Race1 C3

14h40: Race1 C2

15h00: Race1 C4

15h20: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

15h40: Race2 C3

16h00: Race2 C2

16h20: Race2 C4

16h40: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

17h00: Race3 C3

17h20: Race3 C2

17h40: Race3 C4

18h00: Best of All (if possible)

18h30: Awards

20h: Diner (Please register !!) and Music !

Many thanks to our generous sponsors !!


Authentik Scooter


Zone Artisanale

Promenade du Prince Impérial

64600 Anglet - France

Téléphone/Fax : 05 59 58 05 68

Email : contact@authentikscooter.fr



2 Stroke Performance Parts

Inhaber Oliver Hellwig

Am Tarpenufer 51

22848 Norderstedt, Allemagne

Tel: 0049/(0)40/ 69703742

Fax: 0049/(0)40/ 69703771

E-Mail info@grand-sport.de


Scootitude Magazine



Seventies Scooter Pièces

La fabrique - BP 27

26330 Chateauneuf de Galaure, France




Vintages Scooter Service

9 bis rue Henri Brisson

13831 Chateaurenard, France

Tél 1 : 04 32 60 16 33

Tél 2 : 04 88 61 31 69

Fax : 04 90 92 13 07

Mail : contact@vintagescooter.com


Scooter Center

Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1

50129 Bergheim, Allemagne

Tel: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 30

Fax: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 74

Mail: e-shop@scooter-center.com


Legend's Bike

Chaussée de Tubize 73

1440 Wauthier-Braine


9.30 am-6.30 pm

Sun-Mon closed


Scooter World


La Forge


02 99 36 14 70


Casalambretta France

3 chemin d'Arnavielle

30340 Saint Privas des Vieux

Tel/fax : 04 66 55 61 25



RS Performances

Lambretta and Vespa performances parts and tuning



Burzock Développement

Services Informatique

132 avenue parmentier

75011 Paris

+33 (0)6 62 41 91 54



Boyscoot Shop

15 Rue Cornen

44510 Le Pouliguen

02 40 17 32 90


Francilienne peinture et revetement de sol

18 rue lech walesa

94270 Le kremlin bicetre

Tél. 1 01 46 70 14 40





Puissance 5

Nettoyage tous locaux

7 rue du bois


+33 176622640



Crêperie Pont-Aven

Restaurant crêperie

54, Rue du Montparnasse, 75014 Paris

Tel : 01 43 22 23 74

Superb pictures from Michel Lemarié from our previous events:



Bearbeitet von JR-JR

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