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Hello all,

Sorry its in English, maybe someone can help

I have a 1997 PX 200 E Lusso totaly standard, have owned it for the last 10 months with no problems.

Recently I have started having problems at full throttle in 4th and slightly in 3rd, basically when I get up to 80 ish Kph it sometimes cuts out, feels like fuel starvation or no spark, it doesn't back fire or splutter just lack of power and then cuts. If I depress the clutch and release after a few seconds going around 60 Kph it jump starts! and struggles to gain speed again.

I have changed th plug, HT lead and cap, CDI unit, checked all connections, cleaned the carb and jets with compressed air, checked the tank is clean and all filters and still the fault occurs!

Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking that maybe the stator is kaputt or at least either one of the pick up windings or ignition source coil? or maybe the pick up?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Many thanks for the reply

I am away from home at the moment, back Friday. Going to check the fuel cap! hopefully ts blocked and thats causing the problem, I have been thinking about it the last few days that maybe the cap is blocked causing a vacuum! This would maybe cause the symtoms I am getting, like I say I have changed alsorts, get to full throttle and thens when it starts, let off the throttle and after a few secs she pics up at slower speed.

I will let you know what it is/was hope fully this weekend.



When the fill cap is completely blocked the engine die down and can be started after few minutes till the low pressure in the tank is balanced. Driving without cap gives easily the answer.

A connection failure could be also possible. Vibrations and interferences can disconnect the sparking voltage in certain RPM areas. Check or replace the cable from the CDI to the sparkplug, new sparkplug and spark.

Good look




thanks for your advice, I will see how things go at the weekend, first with the cap fuel cap off. If that does not fix the fault I think I will have to look at the other options.

I see you live in Dusseldorf, I lived there 93-95 near the Aqua Zoo, Tersteegen Str, what a beautiful place, lovely city and the Altstadt is awesome on the drink!!! Good memories

Thanks again for your help ard_2


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I had the same problems recently.

My problem was that I didn't put the fuel line coming from the fuel tab through the small guide underneath the oil tank and I assume through vibrations the line was crimped between the oil tank and the frame.

Just take the gas tank out and make sure you're using a strong (just long enough) fuel line (Louis has a very good one 8mm ID and I think 13 OD) and that it runs through the guide underneath the oil tank. By just laying it correctly I solved my full throttle issues (I also bought the line from Louis but didn't install it yet).

Edith is laughing about my Englisch :-D

Bearbeitet von Teenager PX

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