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5th Challenge Scootentole - Mirecourt - 13-16 May 2010

Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

On line registrationform should be filled before the 12th of May 2010:

ONE form per RIDER


For C2, C3 and C4 you will have to choose your number during the online registration process. It is different compared to the ESC system.

In case of any problem, just ask here.

LaBoutique.gif presents the 5th Challenge Scootentole (already ?! :-D )


Track is reserved for this long WE in Mirecourt.... We really like the place ! ;-)

You'll have the possibility to train on the 13th, 14th and 16th. Qualifications and races on Saturday the 15th.


As a reminder, the track is in Mirecourt (France, 88) and it is not so far from the German border; get direction: http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=d&hl=fr&a...mp;z=6&om=1


A twisty, technical yet fast track in perfect condition, 1250m x 8m, fully equipped !



This event is opened to all riders, from the beginner to the most experimented..... !

On Thursday, Friday and Sunday, practice on track will be available (15min sessions) alternatively with go-karts and/or with motorbikes - 18€ half-day and 28€ full day (payment on site).

Saturday will be vintage scooters only day, with qualifying and racing or just riding for those who want to just discover what track riding is like (C1 class).

Track time will be divided between 4 categories:

C1 : Track discovery - no race or timing but the opportunity to put your wheels on a true race track.

C2: Daily racing........take your every day scooter and have go at racing (see restrictions)

C3 : Small Frame racing (120->160cc)

C4 : Large Frame racing (>150cc )

C2 Restrictions

--- Carb restricted to 24mm (SI 26 tolerated)

--- Full metal flywheel only, no plastic fans

--- Air cooled engine only.

--- Tyres must be road legal type (no slick or cross), the engine should be fixed as intended by the manufacturer and the general looking of the scooter should be close to the way it left the factory.

--- NEW for 2010 C2 category : the C2 scooters should be full frame (without any cuts), with original handlebar, front mudguard, side panels (both side), some kind of seat and should have NO strengthening structures. "Original look a like".

For C2, C3 and C4 you will have to choose your number during the online registration process. It is different compared to the ESC system.

Visual appearance of each class: http://challenge.scootentole.org/classes/

Please note: to ride on the timed sessions (C2, C3 et C4), you have to present us a copy of your driving license and a copy of a medical certificate that allow you to take part in racing events.

More informations on regulations here, sorry, but only french at the moment.



Just ask for more informations about regulations on categories. ;)

Also on saturday, you will have the possibility to have free run on SCK's P4-dyno :-D


Pre-registration (Online at http://challenge.scootentole.org/index_en.php ):

- Visitors (staying overnight on the camp site) : 10€

- C1 riders (full day) : 45€

- C2->C4 riders : 60€

- Saturday evening diner (aperitif, starter, BBQ, desert and beverage): 13€

On Site:

- C1 (one single 15-20 minutes session) : 10€

- C1 riders (full day) : 55€

- C2->C4 riders : 70€

This price include:

- Camping 1, 2 or 3 nights with electricity, WC and showers.

- 1, 2 or 3 breakfast.

- Saturday evening happy-hour aperitif

- And for C1->C4 riders free dyno bench time on Saturday.

- Saturday's full coverage insurance for C2, C3 and C4 drivers.

It does not include :

- the price to ride on Thursday, Friday and Sunday, that should be paid to the owner of the track: ~18€ half day or ~28€ all day.

- your meals

- the dyno bench for visitors that would have to pay 10€.

Saturday planning

7h30-8h15 : Registrations and technical controls

8h15: Briefing

Free practice - 15 minutes

08h30: Free practice (no timing) C3

08h50: Free practice (no timing) C2

09h10: Free practice (no timing) C4

Qualif1 - 15 minutes

09h30: Roulage2 Tourisme (C1)

09h50: Qualification1 C3

10h10: Qualification1 C2

10h30: Qualification1 C4

Qualif2 - 20 minutes

10h50: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

11h10: Qualification2 C3

11h35: Qualification2 C2

12h00: Qualification2 C4

Lunch break: Track closed 12h25-14h00

13h50: 2nd Briefing

14h00: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

14h20: Race1 C3

14h40: Race1 C2

15h00: Race1 C4

15h20: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

15h40: Race2 C3

16h00: Race2 C2

16h20: Race2 C4

16h40: Roulage Tourisme (C1)

17h00: Race3 C3

17h20: Race3 C2

17h40: Race3 C4

18h00: Best of All (if possible)

18h30: Awards

20h: BBQ Diner (Please register !!) and Music !

Many thanks to our generous sponsors !!


La Boutique Scootentole






8 rue Sainte Barbe

69110 Sainte Foy Les Lyon



DRT-Denis Racing Team

Via Risorgimento, 76

31040 Trevignano (TV)





Authentik Scooter

Zone Artisanale

Promenade du Prince Impérial

64600 Anglet - France

Téléphone/Fax : 05 59 58 05 68

Email : contact@authentikscooter.fr




2 Stroke Performance Parts

Inhaber Oliver Hellwig

Am Tarpenufer 51

22848 Norderstedt, Allemagne

Tel: 0049/(0)40/ 69703742

Fax: 0049/(0)40/ 69703771

E-Mail info@grand-sport.de



Scootitude Magazine



Seventies Scooter Pièces

La fabrique - BP 27

26330 Chateauneuf de Galaure, France





Scooter Center

Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1

50129 Bergheim, Allemagne

Tel: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 30

Fax: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 74

Mail: e-shop@scooter-center.com


Legend's Bike

Chaussée de Tubize 73

1440 Wauthier-Braine


9.30 am-6.30 pm

Sun-Mon closed


Burzock Développement

Services Informatique

132 avenue parmentier

75011 Paris

+33 (0)6 62 41 91 54



Stockel Sports

241 rue au Bois

1150 Woluwé-St-Pierre - Belgique













Graf Zeppelin Str. 9

D-86899 Landsberg, Allemagne

Tel : +49 (0) 8191 96999-40

Fax : +49 (0) 8191 96999-70


Yamaha Patrick Pons


25/27, boulevard Richard Lenoir

75011 PARIS

Tél Show-room : 01 55 28 38 68

Tél Atelier :

Previous Editions

2009 edition: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/Rennen_f3...ay_t147875.html

2008 edition: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/Rennen_f3...08_t125013.html



Bearbeitet von KTy
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ja da sind wir doch wieder dabei mit 160km anfahrt, is das heimspiel !

hiermit ist das rwrt team auf ein langes we im saarland eingeladen ! :-D

Bearbeitet von ludy1980
ja da sind wir doch wieder dabei mit 160km anfahrt, is das heimspiel !

hiermit ist das rwrt team auf ein langes we im saarland eingeladen ! :-D

langes WE im Saarland :-D

Wir von RWRT kommen auf jeden Fall - das kann man jedem nur nahelegen dort hinzukommen _ :-D

langes WE im Saarland :-D

Wir von RWRT kommen auf jeden Fall - das kann man jedem nur nahelegen dort hinzukommen _ :-D


We`ll be there :-D

  • 4 Wochen später...
  • 3 Monate später...
  • 4 Wochen später...

es gibt normalerweise kurz vor dem Event immer ne PDF-Anmeldung mit Paypalzahlmöglichkeit im ersten Posting ...

warte einfach ab - da kommt schon noch was :thumbsdown:

  • Like 1
  • 2 Wochen später...

Das Ermstal wird auch vertreten sein. Gibts da unten am Platz möglichkeiten zu campieren oder wie wurde das sonst gehandhabt?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

early in the morning....


there are showers, electricity and very smooth grass



Bearbeitet von Luccio
  • 2 Wochen später...

ja zappelig - will auf den ring - bei uns kannst nur noch in der nacht andrücken - der verkehr auf der strasse wird immer irrer und es fahren auch immer mehr irrer

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

On line registrationform should be filled before the 12th of May 2010:

ONE form per RIDER


For C2, C3 and C4 you will have to choose your number during the online registration process. It is different compared to the ESC system.

In case of any problem, just ask here.

Page 1 of this post updated !

See you there :thumbsdown:

Bearbeitet von KTy

habe mich grad durch die Anmeldung gekämpft - ist doof das man die Startnummer aus der ESC nicht übernehmen kann - jetzt muß ich alle Nummern auf dem Roller ändern :thumbsdown:

oder gibt es für uns eine Alternative ?


Is it possible to make a subscription page in Dutch? My knowledge of the French languge is not enough to undrstand the form :thumbsdown:

German or English would be fine too :crybaby:

John F

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