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100 X Funk, R&B und Soul 45s ? Mit Soundfiles auf eBay

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Please check my new ebay auctions:


70 nice Funk & Soul 45s, a few LPs and some original artist promo pics just listed on ebay.

All got soundfiles and pics, Low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold!

End date is Wednesday Nov. 18th!!

Highlights of this auction are:

SONNY N BRITE: At The Party * SonCookie (rare and great Ohio Modern Soul)

FISHBURN & FRANCIS: Give Me Some Love * AJP (so tough to find 7? of this Detroit Modern Soul masterpiece)

11th COMMANDMENT: Vibrations * RJ (rare Detroit 70?s soul, incl handwritten notes of Lorraine Chandler and a promo artist shot)


PATTSY GALLANT: It?ll All Come Around * ATTIC (Canadian only Modern Soul dancer)

FLASHLIGHT: Beware She?s Pulling My Strings * PHILLY GROOVE 12?

PAR-TAY: Freak City * BRAVE NEW (rare Boogie funk)

COUNTER POINT: Early Dawn * JA-WES (rare Jazz Funk)

SAMMY BROWN: Vietnam * GRASSROOTS (Breakbeat Funk bomb)

DAVE BARTHOLOMEW: Hey ?Hey / Junk Man * BROADMOOR ( Great New Orleans funky R&B)

A few original SEALED Soul LPs and original artist Promo pics by SOUL BROTHERS INC. (Pyramid), LONNIE LISTON SMITH and a signed GEORGE CLINTON Pic

+ many many more ......

For set sale soul and funk 45s, check my updated


Thanks for looking,


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