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Hello, I'm going to buy the tuning to my T5 engine. But is not sure exactly what parts I should buy another. Therefore, I need some help! :-D

Here is a list of what I have tengt! but is there anything I should replace? making suggestions!

Anlagen: Ns-R T 5 Drehmoment (NordSpeed)

Carburetor: MIKUNI TMX 30, flat

Cylinderhead: MMW

Cylynder: 172 malossi

Manifold: EM 1 (NNW1)

Clutch: Cosa FL II, 21

crankshaft: Longstroke Vespa T5 WORB5 special lip, 56,5mm stroke, con rod 104mm excentric pin Link: http://www.sip-scootershop.com/EN/Products/46050000/Longstroke+crankshaft+Vespa+T5.aspx

Reed: Membrane "Vforce 3" TASSINARI

What are you think? is it somthin I should buy? :-D

//Claus Henrik


The question is, what sort of engine do you want? Depending on that different tuning equipment is needed.

I guess you want a fast street engine, which is good for touring as well?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I think your list of tuning parts, seems to be use tu build a powerfull race engine and not a " everdaytoworkdriver". I am with maniac. The first step is to answer the question:

For what kind of use, I want to build this machine.

Best regards,


Bearbeitet von Phill_Walker
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The question is, what sort of engine do you want? Depending on that different tuning equipment is needed.

I guess you want a fast street engine, which is good for touring as well?

Yes, a fast street engine!! And it should be able to wheelie :-D :-D :-D

Bearbeitet von ClausFox

I'd buy a CNC clutch, MMW, S&S or K&G

Tom: Do you have to modify the engine casing for your crankshaft?


But beware of the replika cosa clutches, which are sold everywhere.

I'd rather buy a CNC one. You'll never have a clutch problem again. They are available as 21, sure thing.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

But beware of the replika cosa clutches, which are sold everywhere.

I'd rather buy a CNC one. You'll never have a clutch problem again. They are available as 21, sure thing.

Okay, then I will do it! but do you know where I can buy this? link? :-D

Bearbeitet von ClausFox

MMW clutch

S&S clutch

K&G clutch

The first two are only outer baskets. The third one is a complete reconstruction.

If you buy a CNC outer basket, be sure to use only original PIAGGIO parts like clutch baseplate, clutch cog ...

I have the MMW clutch baskets in two ESC Race engines, never had a problem...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@Uncle: cool, as expected! How many have you made?

@Claus Fox: you cannot compare these cranks, apart from the stroke, the crank of uncle is made from scratch and not just a modified original one!



Bearbeitet von Phantomias
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Okay, thank you! But is it just bolt on the crank? or do I need to do some updates get it to fit?

and "Uncle" what is the cost? but I must move Cylynder up with gaskets? And I must have Reed-Valve In order to get it to work?? :-D

Bearbeitet von ClausFox

you can´t drive 62mm stroke with a standard 172 malossi!

57mm is maximum for good road-timings (depends on the exhaust of corse)


Okay, but then I move up cylynder? but should I use Packing cylinder base (aluminum) to build it up?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

you will not get good timings! you have to weld the cylinder up at the top!

Okay :-D There are a lot of work and difficult

Bearbeitet von ClausFox

56,5 stroke with rotary intake is good enough for more than 30 HP. should be enough, i think!

if you want to usw reed valves, it´s cheaper to modifie a 57mm PX200 crank.


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