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Nigeria Connection mal anders


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Frag ihn doch mal, ob es in der Nähe Marines gibt, die Dich da rausholen können.

Oder noch besser, ... du hast versucht, mit der deutschen Botschaft Kontakt aufzunehmen. Telefonisch ging nicht (wg. Hörschwäche) und reingelassen haben sie Dich auch nicht (weil Du keinen Pass mehr hast). Du bist jetzt in der örtlichen US-Botschaft und hast denen gesagt, dass Du einen Marine kennst, und er soll sich da bitte melden und das bestätigen. Ausserdem soll er denen die Kopie von Deinem Pass mailen. Irgendeine Mailadresse von nem Konsulat in Afrika wird sich doch auftreiben lassen.

Alter, das wird hier noch ein richtiger GSF- Thriller á la Black Hawk Down! LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND!!! :-D

:-D :-D :-D

Bearbeitet von sebix2001
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wie wäre es, wenn die junge frau Paxi Undfixi unserem Cap. Jack mal schreibt... vielleicht hat sie im Posteingang das Bild des hübschen jungen in Tarnweste gefunden und möchte nun mehr von dem tapferen, gutaussehenden kriegshelden erfahren :-D vielleicht kommen ein paar unterhaltsame briefwechsel zustande?!

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kein copyright, ändert soviel nötig ist!

Dear Capt. Jack,

My name is Paxi, I am the personal female assistant of Dr. Arsch Brand.

With a research on Dr. Brand' s Computer, in his inbox I came across the photo of a very much good-looking young man in uniform, of which I was flabbergasted. And I was surprised why my boss does not tell me anything about such a pretty friend of his, although he knows exactly, how very much I am attracted to men in uniform :-D

Who are you, pretty unknown man and from where do you know my superior? I am just suffering from having ended a very bad relationship and would be pleased about a little cheer up and diversion. I find, you very attractive and would like to get to know you better.

I' ve never done something like this before and hope not to be to obtrusive.

In joyful expectation for your answer, Paxi ***

P.S. Please do not tell my boss anything of this.

Foto erst, wenn er darauf anspringt, oder?

Bearbeitet von Vespacruiser
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Post von Dr. Reid:

Dear Client,

Please send the information below for clarification

1, Original name of the depositor.

2,The date that this consignment/ was deposited/sent to UK and from which country.

3.Your complete address with phone numbers.

4, Your occupation.

5. Your passport copy or passport number.

Once i get these information,i will be able to check it up and then give to you a

response on your request..I'm sorry this is a category B consignment so should be properly investigated so as not to pass it to a wrong person.


Dr. Jerrold .D . Reid

Ich mache mich mal an die Antwort.

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Dear Dr. Reid

Thank you for your quick response.

Here is your required information:

1. Jack Hänsel

2. 03.FEB / Iraq

3. Fister Allee 3 69691 Figgen, East Germany Phone: +4930222000 or +493022230212

4. CEO

5. See attachment

I have attached my scanned passport in the fickdichwichser(.fdw) format. Unfortunately I am sort of stuck in Abidjan and for some reasons I do not want to explain at the moment I have no access to my passport. The .fdw format should open easily unter Windows 7. I hope you have all the data you need to finish this transaction swiftly.

Finger in Po as we say in German.

Dr. Arsch Brand

So Paxi die kleine Schlampe macht sich jetzt an Cpt Jack ran.

Bearbeitet von Arschbrand
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Ich habe den Text für Paxi 1:1 übernommen. :-D

Jack habe ich auch noch ein wenig die Ohren vollgejammert. Ich bin ja mal gespannt wann sie denn nun mal an meinen Zaster wollen. So richtig konkret wird das alles noch nicht.

Dear Jack,

I am still seized at Abidjan. I wish you would be here and bring me out of this fu****** country. It seems I have to bribe the district attorney. This is not a good option, I do not have enough money and the embassy is not alllowed to help when it comes to sweetening officials.

Talking about our deal. I have seent Dr. Reid all required details so the consignment should find its way to me.

I hope I can find a way out this mess soon.

Leck mich, Schwuchtel


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Mitleid ist doch was feines. Der Depp glaubt einfach alles.

Hello Arsch,

I think you better be careful, Contact your embassy or police, even let your sectary know about all this. Do not give bribe. You did not do anything wrong so why should you give bribe. Less i forget the last time i contacted you, you told me that the your embassy help you out. How can your embassy forgets you? I think something is wrong some where.

Capt Jackson

Mal sehen, was Dr Reid zu sagen hat :-D

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Ich denke das war etwas zuviel.

Das Captain Jack und Dr.Reid die gleiche Person beherrbergen ist wohl klar.

Bisschen entspannter dosiert das ganze und du könntest sicher noch vieel mehr rausgeholt.

Grade wenn die Geldforderungen konkreter werden wirds doch spannend.

Seis drumm perfekte erste Nummer!!!

Best Robin

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Ich denke auch, dass Du es zum Schluß ein wenig übertrieben hast. Sitze irgendwo in Schwarzafrika im Knast und kann mit

niemandem sprechen, aber Mails schreiben.

Ich glaube da wäre selbst unser Hund misstrauisch geworden....

Aber dennoch wurdenwir doch hier gefühlte 10 Tage oder waren es noch mehr hervoragend unterhalten.

Vielen Dank Dr. Arsch Brand

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Da ist wohl evolutionär bei Deinem Hund etwas interessantes vorgefallen. :-D Totgesagte leben länger und es war wohl noch nicht bunt genug!

Mit anderen Worten: Das Topic lebt!


Dear Client,

I have confirmed your data. I want to inform you that you have 2 options to

collect your consignment.

I.Your cargo came with a Red Cross jet and registered as a category 'B'

consignment which has insurance bond policy placed on it.This means that you only

have the sole right to place instruction on the box personally or with a duly

registered power of attorney given to some other person to take over the delivery

in your name.You must pay the handling charges of 2600pounds as handling charges

to the security company that currently has the cargo because i personally made

sure that the cargo is deposited with a security company since it is a category 'B'

consignment with insurance bond policy.If anything happens to it while on transit

it will cost me my job so i deposited it with a security company.You can come

over to the United Kingdom and personally pay for this charges and then take

delivery of the cargo yourself.You only pay for the 2600pounds.

2.I can personally deliver the cargo to you at your address with my diplomatic

immunity.But then i must obtain a world wide diplomatic yellow tag which will

cost me 100pounds plus 2600pounds,and that is a total of 2700pounds to comfortably

move the cargo outside the Uk .I have to register it and pay the taxes

involved,with this i can then deliver the cargo to you personally.

.The bills i explained above are for the customs for the cargo that arrived from

Iraq.I am ready to assist you as fast as you comply because the cargo will

commence incurring charges at the security company once it stays more than 3days.

I wait for your correspondence.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Jerrold Reid

Dr Reid war sogar in der Lage das .fdw Format zu öffnen... :-D

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2.I can personally deliver the cargo to you at your address with my diplomatic

immunity.But then i must obtain a world wide diplomatic yellow tag which will

cost me 100pounds plus 2600pounds,and that is a total of 2700pounds to comfortably

move the cargo outside the Uk .I have to register it and pay the taxes

involved,with this i can then deliver the cargo to you personally.

Klare Sache.

Übergabe mit lecker Bierchen... GSF Treffen 2010.

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PAXI hat Post!!!!!

who are you send me your picture, your passport `and any ID for me to know you. You write like your boss Arsch Drand........hahahaha

dann lasst mal ideen hören!

kann aber nicht alleine am ball bleiben wegen unregelmäßiger und beschissener arbeitszeiten...

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