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hi fellas.

Its been a while for me to come on here so hope you are all well and getting ready for that 'ring' in may!

A friend of mine has just created a website for me and I thought you might like a look. Hopefully some rich business's will come along and help me with some sponsorship..who knows :-D

anyway, let me know what you think..its early days. The front page refreshes with new blogs I've made in the sections on the right and the history etc is up the top



Bearbeitet von tony englander
  • Like 1

hi fellas.

Its been a while for me to come on here so hope you are all well and getting ready for that 'ring' in may!

A friend of mine has just created a website for me and I thought you might like a look. Hopefully some rich business's will come along and help me with some sponsorship..who knows :-D

anyway, let me know what you think..its early days. The front page refreshes with new blogs I've made in the sections on the right and the history etc is up the top



Cool Tony - I like it.

i gonna have my own website soon - it'll be www.bumble-bee-racing.co.uk

cheers fella, was just kiddin



Nice website Tony!

I also launched my own website - www.vespa-rennsport.de - but I kept it quite simple :-D

I had to! since I did this by myself, and I am certainly not an expert in website programming.

Some Nürburgring pictures inside as well.

See you guys in may :-D


Cool Tony - I like it.

i gonna have my own website soon - it'll be www.bumble-bee-racing.co.uk

cheers fella, was just kiddin


Marcus.. you are too cheeky...

Ps. why is there a tree growing out from your brain? Please see a doctor quickly!!!! :-D

  • 2 Wochen später...

@ tony very nice ! great !

@ rusty auch ne entte seite - sobald die redwineracingteam seite mit dem schaltrollercup wieder aktuell und neu aufgebaut ist, sollten wir mal verlinken :-D

gruß in die runde


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Amazing "in action" Pictures.

Thank´s for my new "Desktop"-Background :)

Bearbeitet von Tim^ey

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