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Hallo Forum-Mitglieder! Ich bin Amerikaner Scooterist leben in Polen. Dies ist mein GP 200 (200dl mit MB RaceTour abgestimmt TS1 230. Ich hoffe auf einen oder zwei deutschen Rallyes in diesem Sommer gehen, aber leben auf der Zloty macht Reisekasse Licht.

Bitte verzeihen Sie meinen Mangel an deutschen und für jeden Fehler Google Translate. :thumbsdown:



Nice one. The DL, not the translation. The latter is definitely not really impressive and possibly more difficult to unterstand for most of the guys here than English.


so hanging out in the LCUSA forum is too slow now? can't quite remember what your plans were but let me know if you're riding to the euro lammy and if your route is along the french mediterranean coast!

nice bike BTW wondering if anyone in poland appreciates it?




Thanks amazombi for the welcome and the language tips :crybaby: I studied German way back in high school but that would be even worse than the Google translation. Currently I'm trying to learn Polski but it's a difficult language.

Hey Arne, I drop by the LCUSA forums now and again but most everyone there seems to pop up on every other forum anyhow :thumbsdown: Mostly I get dirty or confused looks from most of the population here or laughter from the younger generation, and I think it makes car drivers angry somehow, but the bikers I've met appreciate it. Maybe I should I re-pack the silencer. It is pretty loud for a DevTour.

Thank you for the rally tip, sukram! I think I can do that one especially if I skip the race in Hungary. Is it alright to bring the scooter in the van as I don't want to ride too many miles on Polish roads (and with the Polish drivers!).


Hallo GP Kevo - how you plan your journey, is up too you - just remember Stickys words "..... to arrive on a Lamy is....." Anyway I´ve failed big style too.

One idea might be to make part of the journey by car, and the rest with other scooterists, to take in the beautyful scenery.

One tip would be to take one part of the journey with scooterists from Paderborn :thumbsdown::crybaby: . Some of them ride fast Lamys, speak english, have a good sense of humour, know the way to the FIS.

Others ride SKRs, can´t select fourth gear, speak spanish without stoping.... :crybaby:

The trip through the so called " Sauerland" is lots of fun ! And the atmosphere on the site is pretty relaxed, like the good old HIH-style...

Any questions, feel free....

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hallo GP Kevo - how you plan your journey, is up too you - just remember Stickys words "..... to arrive on a Lamy is....." Anyway I´ve failed big style too.

One idea might be to make part of the journey by car, and the rest with other scooterists, to take in the beautyful scenery.

One tip would be to take one part of the journey with scooterists from Paderborn :thumbsdown::crybaby: . Some of them ride fast Lamys, speak english, have a good sense of humour, know the way to the FIS.

Others ride SKRs, can´t select fourth gear, speak spanish without stoping.... :crybaby:

The trip through the so called " Sauerland" is lots of fun ! And the atmosphere on the site is pretty relaxed, like the good old HIH-style...

Any questions, feel free....

Now that's a great idea! I'd gladly leave the van parked in Germany and ride the GP on German roads and I can cut 1,000 km off of the ride! ;-)

Bearbeitet von GP Kevo

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