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Just fited my Vespatronic, and set the ignition to 24-17¨

But when I finaly got it started, it goes backwards... :thumbsdown::crybaby:

What is wrong?


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Wrong ignition timing. Or maybe there's a wiring problem. I think, i read something about that problem in the Parmakit manual. But i don't remember. Read the manual concerning the wiring and occuring problems.

Bearbeitet von Johnny13

Switch the two wires to the CDI. Apparently you have fitted the small and the large connector to the wrong wires respectively. If you do that the engine will run backwards. Just swop the two over and you should be fine.


Switch the two wires to the CDI. Apparently you have fitted the small and the large connector to the wrong wires respectively. If you do that the engine will run backwards. Just swop the two over and you should be fine.

Hi Svein

I had the same with my smallframe. I ended up making wheelspin in the wrong direction in my backyard.

Just switch the two wires on the CDI and you are ready to go to infinity and beyond (citat: Buss lightyear) haha.

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