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:-( Sorry for speeking english, but I don't speak no german, but I hope you can help me.

I'm running a PX engine with a Pinasco 177 + 60mm crank + PHBH30 + HP4...

And I'd like to know exactly the correct degres for the ignition, do you know it, or some can tell me how to find the best degres, even with mathematics.

Thanks a lot :-D


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi Lor@n:

have a look at HERE

click at "Technik" and "Zündeinstellung" (=Ignition)

Bearbeitet von T5Rainer
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

You can go up to 20°-21°, but check for "ringing" noises...normally 21° shouldn´t be a problem...

BUT... the HP4 seems to be critical with the pinasco! I´ve heard that the "thick" piston rings of the pinasco tend to collapse because of the "aggressive revving characteristic" the HP4 produces!

Write a PM to "Lucifer"...he knows people who killed several Pinascos with the HP4 (ignition timing was correct!)!

The PK and the "elestart" flywheels are much better for the ring life!

Bearbeitet von Andre

Thanks a lot Andre !

I'll try to do it with 21°.

For the HP4 that's what I had read here on the forum (by translating with babelfish), but it's strange that no one says it when I bought it. It's a new fact ?

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