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Are you using an auto advance cdi ignition on your vespa or lambretta ?

Is it benefic, and which one are you using, how many degree does it vary ?

I've seen one from MBD, one from DR which seems to be from a 50cc automatic scooter, and the new ETA from Tino Sacchi.

Thanks for any hint.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Never use an auto "advance" ignition on a 2 stroke engine! Piston hole guaranteed! Advance is only for 4 Strokes!

A 2 stroke engine needs an auto-"retard" ignition! Example...from 23° (3000rpm) to 16° (9000rpm)...that would be a good range for a tuned Vespa-Engine...

Why retarding? Please read some 2-Stroke literature... :-(

An auto retard ignition is a big benefit if it works correctly...

It increases tourque and also allows more overrev and peak power.

Every modern 2stroke engine has an auto retard ignition...

the problem is that the available Ignitions for the vespa (vCDI from scooter-center) are very inconsistent (is this the right word?)...some of them simply do not work correctly...no variation in timing to see...I´m a proud owner of such a "non working" version... :-D

I dont know how it is with the ETA or the others you mentioned...

Bearbeitet von Andre

Plaese tell us about the ignitions mentioned by you in your first post. Are these auto-advance or auto-retard systems?



Thanks for every hints.

@Andre :

Sorry for saying auto "advance", but I was thinking auto "retard". But that's true I need more 2 stroke theory, but I haven't found a good book about it in French.

For the vCDI from SCK, that's what I've read on other post :-(

@Gerhard :

MB ignition : it's an auto advance retard ignition more here : http://www.mbdevelopments.co.uk/lambretta/lt17.html

6 to 4 degrees variable

ETA (no the basque separatist :-D ): The ETA system has been stolen from modern scooter technoligy, to adjust timing as revs increase, fully automatically with no adjustments needed. This timing adjuster allows you to set your timing and then have it adjust automatically to promote more power across the rev range and fuel efficenty as well. Also allows safer running at higher revs. more ehre : http://www.lambretta.co.uk/lambretta/

I've also found this on the italian forum : http://www.vespaonline.com/forum/DCForumID5/9367.html

and this on scooterhelp.com : http://www.scooterhelp.com/tuning/ign.timi...g.variable.html

And a french friend of mine is trying to do a similar thing... but it's only the begining.

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