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first, sorry for the english but i'm from belgium and my german is very bad..

i am building a vespa V50 with a pk engine with the following setup:

shb 16.16 carburettor

tecnigas chrome banana

polini 75 cilinder

all gearings would be original.

but my question is:

original on a pk engine is a 3.00 primary.

what would the maximum speed be with this primar? or is it better to put a 2.86 in it and what would be the maximum speed then?




almost all PK50 models have a 4.60 primary and not 3.00, or do you mean your engine has it already built in?

2.86 would be far too long for that setup, i wouldn't even recommend 3.00. best choice would be 3.72 i'd say.


depends on your cylinder, there are different versions with different maxrev available (standard, racing, whatever...).

i think with the standard polini and 16.16 carb you'd be around 60-70 "real" km/h. but that's all relative to the peripherals.


depends on your cylinder, there are different versions with different maxrev available (standard, racing, whatever...).

i think with the standard polini and 16.16 carb you'd be around 60-70 "real" km/h. but that's all relative to the peripherals.

okay, thanks for you're help mate ;)

i go look this evening to my standard primar. i will count the tooth so i know what it is, 4,60,...




I just saw it on the primar (standard) and its 69/15, so it's 4.6.

the best would be then 3.72 of lower?



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