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Hello to all of you that I got to know during the WVD in Gjövik!!

First of all, I am very sorry for the small but important things (music, breakfast, no water at lunch, payment for shower etc) that went wrong. I myself was actually not in the core of the organization team, but was only dealing with a few of the sales stands and also the band for saturday (Peter Berry & the Shake Set). I did my best to improve where I could, but not to much success.

I will not write too much about the faults that occured, as that will not make any difference to the run and the impression that people got. But what I must say is that Piaggio Italy was very satisfied, and that meant a lot to the organisators, as VWD is a run co-organized with Piaggio. In the other end, I know a lot of things that should have been done differently if I had been able to do that.

My greetings to the Block48 team that I got to know and to Hansen and your travel companions, great people!!

And greetings to all you others that I got to know during the weekend, everyone very friendly and good folks, hope to see you all again sometime!!!

By the way, I am going to Hamburg next weekend, (24.-26. June). If anyone would join in for a beer, send me a PM!!!!

And then something for you to plan for:

Next year or the year after, we´ll do one last Classic Scooter Run in Sörkedalen, Oslo, Norway. The two previous ones were in 2006 and 2007, talk to some of the Hamburg people that were there to check out what it was like.

Restless SC Oslo will do the run, and that will be someting that you are familiar with; good live bands (no bullshit bands, real scooterists tune music), real dj´s knowing what scooterists want, fair priced beer (€2,5 a bottle), inhouse beds at site and tent facilities, bbq and bar open 24hr. Will take place in the end of may/beginning of june (weather is almost always good at that periode, we are talking 20+ degrees during the night some years). I will of course post info at the forum when date is settled. I hope many of you will come and experience a run in Norway that you most probably will enjoy a lot!!

All the best from up north,




By the way, I am going to Hamburg next weekend, (24.-26. June). If anyone would join in for a beer, send me a PM!!!!


You got a PM. :wacko:

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