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What to do in Munich?

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Hello, everyone. I am American who normally rides with the Boston Stranglers and I just got into Munich (Munchen?) last night. It is my first time to Germany. Is there anything going on today (Sunday) that you would recommend to a scooterist?


welcome to munich!

soulful sunday at the "Jennerwein"

here: http://www.zumjennerwein.de/index08.htm

nice little bar in schwabing, a friend plays 60s, northern soul, motown etc...

beginning is 9 p.m.

if you are still here on thursday, you can come to "deeper shade" at the atomic cafe


great 60s club night!

I will check out the soul night at Jennerwein tonight then. I won't be here anymore by Thursday, though.

Thanks for the information!


Well, the music was cool. No other scooterists showed up that I could see, but I had a nice time chatting up the DJ (who was a fill in for the regular) and his girlfriend and some other colorful characters. I plan to go snowboarding at Garmisch-Partenkirchen tomorrow, but will be back in town tomorrow night. Tuesday I have to make my way up to Frankfurt eventually for my flight home on Wednesday morning. I was hoping to hook up with some scooterists, but oh well. Next time I will try to time my travel better with events here.

Dave Hill

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