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New website


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Hi all!

I'm new here on the forum, although I've been looking at it already a few times. It's great :)Helping people with their scooters! This is why I would like to do a little contribution...

As a newbie in classic vespa restorations, I'm starting a little website. The reason for this is to help other newbies in their restorations. As I move on, I will add new content. I'll try to put some helpful t&t too, basic problems that one can encounter with the restoration of scooters. I hope it will be of some help! If you like it, please tell a friend :thumbsdown: If you want you can leave a comment there too!


Greets and happy holidays!!!


Bearbeitet von Tyrian
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Hi again :)

As I was working on the site, I had an idea.... Maybe it would be possible to generate a database of t&t that everybody could use and where everybody can submit their own. Like this everybody could enjoy these interesting tips and tricks, all over the world.


Hereby a call to everybody who wants to join :) It would be great to have as many as possible people to join in. Hope you 2 b there too !

Happy New year!


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Hi Tom,

nice page (and really nice Douglas :thumbsdown: ). Why don´t you get in contact with maniac and ask him whether you could use the GSF-Wiki for your page instead of writing a completely new database?

thanks man! The rest of the restoration is coming on the site soon. :crybaby: I'm busy with the restoration of a MISA GS3 VD2TS now. I've been send to this forum by somebody who is passionate about the MISA history. Once I have more time to spend with my GS I hope to be more often on this forum :crybaby: What is the GSF-Wiki? My idea was to let people share their idea's and tips on a central site.

Greets and happy new year


Bearbeitet von Tyrian
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